Features supported? CSV-Ex-/Import of events, “Overbooking”, etc.
Before I purchase your add-on I need to know if some needed features are support:
1. Export events to .CSV
2. Import events from .CSV
3. Overbooking
I need something like this: Each event can have up to 20 bookings. But it should be possible to do more then 20 bookings (overbooking). These overbookings need a confirmation from me, so I could arrange another person to help me with my event and split the group of people. All the people who “overbooked” will be informed via mail, that there is a new event and their booking is accepted.
4. Manually mark events as booked
5. Mail confirmation to me (admin) that an event is fully booked.Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad English…
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