• Hello all, I am exploring if wordpress will meet my needs, for something between a blog and a magazine.

    I would like the archives to be sections, rather than archives, but then to be able to archive the sections!
    So, to have an extra layer there. Does that make sense? kind of more like a magazine function, but then with archivability.

    Also, I wish to have some articles in there, that are more like articles than ‘blog posts’, and I would like to paginate these. Can posts be paginated?

    Also I don’t like the code in the edit post box, can this be switched off?

    Your answers will help my speedy development,



    Ps: WP looks more like it could work for me rather than php nuke or something like that, or mambo, I need a halfway house, with podcast ability. Thanks.

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  • You can call your categories “Sections” if you like and you can view them together as “archive” pages, without any problems. You would just use the Category List instead of the Archive.

    Articles can be “Pages”, pages can be paginated, they are static, can’t have comments but are more static then posts. Take a look at https://jaredquinn.info, the Navigation bits are all “Pages”, mostly static content.

    Take a look at my “Archives” page, which contains a List of Categories (which could be put permanetly on your sidebar if you wanted to).

    I’ve got fairly hefty experience with PHPNuke, Mambo and WordPress and I would have to say that WordPress is by far more customisable, configurable and flexible then both the others (which is why I use it for my site and swear by it).

    Here is some podcasting information for you. I agree with jaredquinn, WordPress is extremely customizable and with a little tweaking (or none, in your case), it can work for anyone.

    Thread Starter zinkping


    Hey thanks!, you guys are FAST!!!

    Jared, I see your paginated pages, can one paginate posts? Otherwise I would need to categorize the pages, is this possible?

    So, either to paginate the posts, or categorize the pages (so they’ed exist within sections). Would prefer to be able to paginate posts.

    Jared, you also have a ‘taster paragraph’ or so, on your posts, and a read full article link. Is this coded into WP? or a custom ad on?

    Yeah, I am looking to create a halfway house between a magazine and a blog, mambo and php nuke are too feature rich and complex, so far I love the simplicity of wp, just hope it can go far enough.

    Thread Starter zinkping


    umm… any thoughts on the above post? being able to paginate posts?

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