• Hello All!

    I have a site with slider on homepage

     <?php foreach( $featured_posts as $featured_post ):
        $permalink = get_permalink( $featured_post->ID );
        $title = get_the_title( $featured_post->ID );
        $custom_field = get_field( 'field_name', $featured_post->ID );
        $featured_img_url = get_the_post_thumbnail_url($featured_post->ID);
        $postdate = get_the_date('M d, Y', $featured_post->ID);

    But i can’t see – how i can set post featured.I can’t see any option’s at featured posts – https://prnt.sc/pxOIo9JVmUUkCan anybody help – how to set ordynary post as featured?

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  • Hi,

    You can set a post as “featured” by using a category or a custom field, or by adding a tag. However, it will depend on your theme, as some themes have a built-in option. So you might want to refer to your theme’s documentation or support when necessary.

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