Featured Slider image disappear
I am using Canvas Theme from WooTheme and when I activate this plugin the image for the slider for the post disappears when I update the post.
Thanks for the continuing effort to take care of this – I’ve had several people tell me they wondered why I designed my art site with a blank home page!
In Canvas theme there are two sliders one for the Magazine page and one for the Business page. With the “Tim Tumb” deactivated and the plugin activated the Magazine page works but not the Business page. The problem appears when I update the slider for the Business page with a new image. The new image disappears and the old appears.
Okay, thanks masleif. This is the weirdest problem ever. I can’t even get any error messages to show up (not even in the server logs), so it’s basically all trial and error until I get this sorted. I cannot tell WHY my custom field isn’t allowing Canvas’ to save in the database. it just makes no sense.
Right now, I’m just trying a rewrite (I’ve been meaning to do that anyway – you’re a catalyst! Yay masleif!). And for the record, I went and bought the theme so I can get down and dirty with this, so you don’t need to keep the login for me on your site anymore ??
hi i am not getting slider images in my website https://n-racing.com/.can anybody help me……
Naren, this is support for a specific plugin. You need to go to the actual forums to ask support requests, and not hijack threads. It clutters up the support offered here, and makes it difficult for people to find solutions for this specific plugin. Thanks!
Okay, maslief (and carol – and anyone else who might be interested!) – I have it sorted. I’m finishing up and testing today, and I’m hoping to have the new version released for download sometime tonight or tomorrow (barring any surprises).
I still have no idea why it was doing this, what I’ve changed really isn’t *so* much different than what was already there, but the changes I have made seem to work, and Canvas is working fine with my plugin now. I still won’t take full blame for this, because – as I was working on the issue, ALL errors were coming up as Canvas-related. (mainly on their admin-custom.php file, lines 454 and 551. I even shut my plugin off and used a couple of other popular CPT-creating and metabox-creating plugins, and the same thing happened. So I still say it’s Canvas, and the theme has some sort of issue with creating custom post types (and/or metaboxes related to those custom post types), because even with mine deactivated and using another one, I had similar (or the same) issues.
Granted, all the erros showed up only when I had error reporting turned on, but they were there.
Anyway – enough of all that. It’s now sorted, and like I said, I’m hoping to have it updated either tonight or tomorrow so you can fix your issues. I just want to run through a few tests to be sure I got everything first ??
I look forward to test the plugin after you new release.
Thnks again for your continued work on this – otherwise I’ll have to redesign my website.
Curious, carol – why would you have to redesign your site? my plugin isn’t used for anything on the front end. All you’d have to do is NOT use my plugin. In fact, there’s another one very similar to mine (for back end instructions) – I believe it has it’s own separate page though (it doesn’t show the instructions on the page you’re currently on). WP Help
I was considering just getting rid of the slider altogether – that’s all! When peole look at an artist’s website and it’s blank it doesn’t exactly express my work! ??
I had someone else design my website- I used to do them myself, using Dreamweaver, but this time I was happy to hand it over. For that reason, I’m not really clear about what she did.
As far as I know, it’s been fine until the last few weeks.Thanks again for your help!
Ahhh – I see. Well, for the time being , you could just deactivate my plugin. You’ll have to re-add your slides, but they’ll show up. I believe what Masleif has been doing is deactivating my plugin, doing the slides, and then reactivating the plugin. My plugin isn’t what makes the slideshow *disappear*, it’s preventing them from saving the images on the slide, so they don’t show up. (the slide itself saves, but the images won’t – that’s why the slide is blank) So if your *entire* slideshow has gone away, then I’d say my plugin has nothing to do with it.
NOW you tell me! ??
Just joking of course- I’ll give it a try later today.
Good luck and thanks!Okay, sorry so late, but I forgot that that weekend was Easter, and we’ve been redoing our kitchen, so this kind of got pushed back a bit.
I made a quick fix and uploaded it today. In my localhost install, with Canvas, it’s working. But let me know if you have any issues (and especially let me know of any error messages you get, because it’s working fine for me with nothing but WooThemes and this plugin activated).
I’m still working on the rewrite – turns out it’s a little mor difficult than I expected ??
in nay case, I *did* find a way to solve the issue. the problem is that I have a custom loop in my plugin that pulls in the instructions into whatever page you’re on. I had to remove the loop (if(have_posts()) etc) and replace it with a customSELECT query and a foreach statement. Apparently the Loop was conflicting with something in the Canvas theme. I’m still getting error messages with Canvas, but at least my plugin will work with it now.
What version should I use for my test? Version 2.5.2 does not work.
How does it not work? Is it still doing the same thing as before? Are you getting any error messages/notifications?
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