OK, I’ve just had a quick toy around with the idea and can offer you a workaround for pages other than the front page – to work this you’ll need to create a child theme and then do the following.
1) Copy the template-featured.php in to your child theme and rename it to say template-featured2.php (also change the template name in the document head too).
2) Just below the get_header(); part add the following code and save.
<div class="container clearfix">
<div class="row" role="main">
<?php get_template_part( 'featured-content' ); ?>
<hr />
Now when you go to create a page you should have the extra template selectable in the template dropdown section. At this moment only the sticky posts will show up but its a starting point.
That leaves me to toy around with a custom loop to use categories instead, so its off to work I go ??