There are filters for everything you want in Customizr. It’s amazing ??
There is a filter called tc_show_fp
, which wants a true
or false
—show the pages or not. Currently, the code checks if you have chosen to show the featured pages in your settings AND if you are are on the front page. If both those conditions are true, then it gets a true
and displays the FPs.
What you need to do is to add to that test: “or if I’m on page 42”.
So you let the current test ( (want FPs) AND (on front page) )
come through to the filter and then add your own ( OR (on page 42) )
The code looks like this:
add_filter ( 'tc_show_fp' , 'my_show_fp');
function my_show_fp($show_fp) {
$show_fp = ( $show_fp || is_page( 42 ) ) ;
echo $show_fp ? 'true' : 'false';
return $show_fp;
Note that this will show the FPs on page 42 even if you have switched them off in the settings.