• Hi,
    I’m using customizr theme! It’s very beautiful. Like I write in topic, I want to known if it possible to put featured page in another page over the front page.
    I search in the site of the theme and in the forum but I don’t found nothing.


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  • The basic Featured Image can be applied to either a) a Page where it will then be shown if selected as one of the 3 zoom images on the Home page, or b) a Post where it will appear against that particular post.

    And there is the FPU extension which allows > 3 zoom images.

    The documentation does need an update to explain FI’s a little better, I agree.

    Thread Starter sebax


    Thanks for the answer! I bought the plugin, but now I don’t understand how I can put featured pages in a different page over home page. I mean, I want featured page both in home page that in another page. How do I?

    See how here.

    Thread Starter sebax


    I tried what is written in the post but the effect is the disappearance on the home page of the FP.
    Instead, I’ll try to create a static page and below I will put the post…
    Sin, I bought the plugin whit the prospect of create different pages whith differents featured pages.

    You can keep on adding as many conditions as you want to that IF clause, so you can add another …|| is_page( 42 ) || is_page( 85 )… etc, so they can appear on any page you like.

    However, if you bought the plugin, you get direct support from nikeo on the support forum: https://www.themesandco.com/support-forums/forum/plugins/featured-pages-unlimited/ (I think you need to logon to post there).

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