• Resolved revlow


    I have two Qs on this:

    1) The price at the bottom is cropped off, can’t read it. It’s also covering the Property Type overlap. Any way to fix?

    2) Is there a way to set the order of them? Seems the default is the last listing created is added to the left. I would like to be able to shift this around. Is it possible?



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  • Thread Starter revlow


    Oh, I meant Property Type overlay. It’s all crunched up.

    Example: https://lowtaxnevada.com/

    Plugin Author agentevolution


    Your theme is overriding the positioning from the plugin. Add this bit of CSS to your theme’s stylesheet:

    .widget .listing-wrap .listing-thumb-meta span.listing-price {
    	position: relative;
    	top: 0;
    	left: 0;

    As with any post, the most recent is displayed first. To change that, change the published date/time.

    Thread Starter revlow


    I noticed that today’s 1.0.2 update fixed this, it looks fine. Is there any reason I should I still add this CSS?

    Plugin Author agentevolution


    No, there’s no need to now. We added some CSS to override the theme’s CSS but will not affect the functionality for those without the same theme. So just update the plugin.

    Thread Starter revlow


    Perfect! Thanks again.

    Recently i’ve made some changes on my price structure and with that i needed to alterate the price of the Feautured listing ads. But now i’m getting wrong calculations in it. Exemple: 1 week of advertising costs £2.50 + 1 week Featured Listings costs £5.00 the total amount should be £7.50 but insted gives me a total of £15. On my price structure on Featured Listings, i need it to work like that:

    1 to 5 weeks will cost £5.00 per week

    3months will cost £54.00 and included 10% discount

    6months will cost £108.00 and included 10% discount

    1 year will cost £208.00 and included 20% discount

    OBS: As the normal prices you can alterate, the Featured Listings should have a panel which we could alterate the prices as we need it. There is anyway, someone from support to help me to sort this thing out?

    Best Regards,

    Ronaldo Leite
    Moderna Enterprises Limited

    Hello Support.. I’m still having this problem on my template!! Featured Listings ads are not calculating correct! There is anyone there who could help me fix this thing?? it’s really affecting my business now!! I need maybe create another structure for the featured listings ads prices!! the same way as i’ve shown on my previous message!!! Maybe if we could have something like the normal ads price structure where we could edit as we need it!

    Thanks. and please let me know as quick as possible! tried the other forum for Classipress, but didn’t received any support from there really!!



    Please i Need to resolve this issue as soon as possible! i’ve being asking this for months!!



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