Featured Images with new Responsive Images srcset
I am calling for the featured image on the post page of my site and want that image to be full width of the browser, so I am uploading a 2000px or larger images. Yet with the new responsive image feature in 4.4 Clifford, the srcset limits the highest width image to 1024px wide, no matter if I change the settings in the media settings. ie:
<img width="2400" height="1060" src="img.jpg" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" srcset="img-300x133.jpg 300w, img-1024x452.jpg 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 2400px) 100vw, 2400px">
I am having issues with the codex of this new feature. Does anyone have a way to hack this new feature so that that the 1024w image is the full image?
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