Featured Images aren't showing on Facebook
My Featured Images are large enough for Facebook (I know small images can be a problem) but I’m still getting the homepage logo in posts to my FB page. The debugger does show the featured image. Not sure what to do. I’m not great at coding.
The website is https://www.thecompassmagazine.co.uk
Many thanks for your help.
View your source – it tells you what’s wrong:
<!-- There is not an image here as you haven't set a default image in the plugin settings! -->
Unless you set a featured image for your homepage, or you set a default fallback image there’s no image to use.
Thanks for this. The problem is that I get the homepage image instead of the featured images for individual posts. I don’t want the homepage image, which is why I left that option unchecked, but I get that image anyway.
The featured images for each post are the ones which are showing in the slider on the homepage and they’re the ones I need for Facebook too.
Thanks again for helping.
That’s because those images aren’t related to the home page; they’re related to that individual post – it’s completely different. It can’t know what images are shown on a homepage in all themes everybody uses – just not possible. You need to tell it what to show Facebook. If your theme uses a page for the homepage then give it a feature image; otherwise you’ll have to rely on the default/fallback image.
Thanks again for getting back to me. We aren’t sharing links to the homepage, we’re sharing links to the individual posts. We need the Featured Images from those posts to appear when we share links to them but instead we only get the default image.
omg i had a huge reply that didn’t submit… GRRRR shit. sorry. hold on a bit… have to remember what I said.
Okay first off I found another issue with how you’ve set up the plugin.
In the plugin settings under admin you have a URL in that field instead of an ID number. Secondly that url you’re trying to use is for a FB Page not a FB Personal ID. Here’s what you need to do:Go to: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer
Once you’re logged in, click on the Get Token, then in the input box you should see “me” in there. If you hit “Submit” you should get your personal ID. Use THAT number in the plugin admin settings field.
Facebook doesn’t allow pages in open graph anymore.Okay… now back to the images. Posting that after this…..
Ok. Images.
On this post (https://www.thecompassmagazine.co.uk/jonathan-edwards/) for example the only image the plugin sees is this one: https://i2.wp.com/www.thecompassmagazine.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Jonathan-Edwards-Featured-Image.jpg
According to FB’s debugger (once you fix that admin thing i mentioned ^^) that post will look like this: https://i.imgur.com/pbLfpKY.pngLooking at one other post… (https://www.thecompassmagazine.co.uk/jane-routh-1/) the plugin is showing these images:
– https://i0.wp.com/www.thecompassmagazine.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Jane-Routh-Review-1-FI.jpg
– https://www.thecompassmagazine.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Jane-Routh-photo-Square.jpg
and will look like this: https://i.imgur.com/9kRhYXJ.pngNow the order in which Facebook decides to display multiple images given to it changes all the time and has been something I’ve tried to update and keep up to speed with. I can’t control how they display them or which one they choose to use.
In the next major release of this plugin I’m only allowing one image, in most instances, to be displayed to FB. That SHOULD help with a lot of those issues but again – I can’t control what FB does. And they change stuff daily so.
Hope that helps more.
Thank you for this! I think I’ve understood ‘and that I’ve reconfigured the plugin settings (I pasted my personal FB ID after the ‘https://graph.facebook.com/’ ‘in the plugin settings ‘Facebook User Account ID:’ box.
I am still getting a couple of warnings and I’m unable to check it because I can’t publish anything new yet. The image which shows how the post will look is ok though. I’ll paste the warnings below this message in case they reveal anything problematic. This was for the page https://www.thecompassmagazine.co.uk/maria-taylor/
Thanks for your thorough help! I appreciate it!
Warnings That Should Be Fixed
og:image could not be downloaded or is too small og:image was not defined, could not be downloaded or was not big enough. Please define a chosen image using the og:image metatag, and use an image that’s at least 200x200px and is accessible from Facebook. Image ‘https://i1.wp.com/www.thecompassmagazine.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Maria-Taylor-Featured-Image-Ice.jpg?fit=1024%2C1024’ will be used instead. Consult https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/webmasters/crawler for more troubleshooting tips.
Parser Mismatched Metadata The parser’s result for this metadata did not match the input metadata. Likely, this was caused by the data being ordered in an unexpected way, multiple values being given for a property only expecting a single value, or property values for a given property being mismatched. Here are the input properties that were not seen in the parsed result: ‘fb:admins’Sorry to bother you again! I tried a couple of other pages and didn’t get those warnings. But when I clicked ‘Fetch new scrape information’ I got a red warning: Errors That Must Be Fixed
Object Invalid Value Object at URL ‘https://www.thecompassmagazine.co.uk/jenna-butler/’ of type ‘article’ is invalid because the given value ‘https://graph.facebook.com/10152818741518051’ for property ‘fb:admins’ could not be parsed as type ‘fbid’.Have I done this wrong?
Thanks again for your help.
In the plugin settings admin box ONLY put this: “10152818741518051” (without the quotes). JUST the ID. that’s it.
Thanks for getting back to me again. I’ve done that but I’m still getting an error message in the debugger. Will this pose a problem? I’ve pasted it below.
Object at URL ‘https://www.thecompassmagazine.co.uk/jl-williams/’ of type ‘article’ is invalid because the given value ‘10152818741518051’ for property ‘fb:admins’ could not be parsed as type ‘fbid’.
Errors That Must Be Fixed
Object Invalid Value Object at URL ‘https://www.thecompassmagazine.co.uk/jl-williams/’ of type ‘article’ is invalid because the given value ‘10152818741518051’ for property ‘fb:admins’ could not be parsed as type ‘fbid’.We have the same issue , tried Linter and found this – it was working fine and stopped on Jul 16th evening.
Object at URL ‘https://bollywoodnow.com/’ of type ‘website’ is invalid because it specifies multiple ‘og:url’ values: https://bollywoodnow.com/, https://bollywoodnow.com/.
Errors That Must Be Fixed
More Than One OG URL Specified Object at URL ‘https://bollywoodnow.com/’ of type ‘website’ is invalid because it specifies multiple ‘og:url’ values: https://bollywoodnow.com/, https://bollywoodnow.com/.Please help
@lhollo I just see the occasional “Parser Mismatched Metadata” but it’s not a big deal – FB will work just fine for you now that you have that ID all set.
@bollywoodclubs you should make a new support thread for your issue but you have another plugin outputting open graph code. If you look at your source it shows you it’s the all in one seo plugin.
Thanks Chuck — I’ve just posted something new and it worked well. I’ve appreciated your help here.
Sorry I’m new to using support forums … I may have started a new thread on a very similar issue just now.
However, after reading through this thread, and getting the token as you suggested from:
Go to: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer
and putting it in the Facebook User Account ID field in your plugin settings, the image(s) is STILL not showing.My issue is not the wrong image showing – it’s that NO image shows at all.
My blog: https://www.siamgempalaceblog.com
My FB page: https://www.facebook.com/siamgempalaceI’m using Cubell’s Valenti theme (if that helps).
Please help. I’ve tried so many things. Nothing seems to work. This is an issue that started about 4 months ago for me. Before that, I was sharing to FB without any problems.
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