You didn’t supply a link to your website so I couldn’t look but you probably are sending excerpts instead of full content. Excerpts are the way to go with a RSS feed unless you really need the full post with images. Excerpts in a RSS feed brings your visitors using a RSS reader back to your website to read more.
But your theme creates excerpts.
So you probably have three was to go here.
1. Find a theme that outputs excerpts a little more to your liking.
2. turn on full articles in the RSS Feed via the Dashboard –> Settings –> Reading and then set the ‘For each article in a feed, show’ and check the ‘full text’ but which might work well for you.
3. You might go into your theme and modify your functions to fix that… don’t forget the ‘https://’ in front of the domain in the URL… and you’ll probably want ‘https://’.
You mentioned sharing via RSS to another site. You might want to skip trying to use rSS with that and look at a syndication plugin. I’ve used in the past even though it’s right old. It might be worth your time to try it. If it works then use it… that’s my view anyway.
This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by