Hey there tuhinbiswas98,
I’ve been searching for similar solutions but wasn’t really able to find one so I’ve been testing this on my end and managed to remove the space if no image is being used on that post with some jQuery and CSS.
In order for this to work make sure to keep the same settings, that means you have to keep Thumbnail Placeholder to off in Appearance -> Theme Options -> Blog.
When done please try adding the following to your theme functions.php (ideally you’d want to add it to your child theme functions.php or use it as a mu plugin so you don’t lose the changes once you update the theme):
function my1_javascript_function(){
;(function ($) {$(function () {$(".post-thumbnail").each(function() {var $me = $(this); if ($me.find("img").length) return true; $me.closest(".post-inner").addClass("no-thumbnail"); } ); }); })(jQuery);
This function will add no-thumbnail class to posts that doesn’t have images so you can use that to remove the padding that is applied only on those posts. To do this please add the following CSS code in the style.css file of your child theme or add it in your site using the following plugin:
.post-inner.post-hover.no-thumbnail {
padding-left: 0;
This will remove the padding only on posts that don’t have and image so this should be the result https://screencast.com/t/hjN287C3i5 (image to my majestic cat included :D)
Hope this helps ??