• Hi,

    I am using the free version of colormag theme.i have added a featured image in the page but its not displaying.is there any way to display the image?

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  • @shalib2

    Featured images also known as post thumbnails are a popular feature in WordPress themes.
    An easy way to figure out whether your theme supports featured images is by going to the post editor. Simply create a new post and scroll down a little to see if there is a meta box called featured images on the right hand side of the screen.
    Featured Image

    Thread Starter shalib2


    yes i have added an image as featured image in a page but its not displaying. Also in posts its working fine.

    Thread Starter shalib2


    i have added a plugin Featured Image in Content and its working.

    Thread Starter shalib2


    but now two images are loading in posts.

    go to your single.php

    search for the_post()

    or search for the_title()

    after that line add


    May be it will solve the problem

    go to your theme directory and see content-page…
    replace the file content with this code.

     * The template used for displaying page content in page.php
     * @package ThemeGrill
     * @subpackage ColorMag
     * @since ColorMag 1.0
    <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
    	<?php do_action( 'colormag_before_post_content' ); ?>
    	<header class="entry-header">
          <?php if ( is_front_page() ) : ?>
       		<h2 class="entry-title">
       			<?php the_title(); ?>
          <?php else : ?>
             <h1 class="entry-title">
                <?php the_title(); ?>
          <?php endif; ?>
    	<div class="entry-content clearfix">
    <div class="featured-image"><?php the_post_thumbnail();?></div>
    		<?php the_content(); ?>
    			wp_link_pages( array(
    				'before'            => '<div style="clear: both;"></div><div class="pagination clearfix">'.__( 'Pages:', 'colormag' ),
    				'after'             => '</div>',
    				'link_before'       => '<span>',
    				'link_after'        => '</span>'
    	      ) );
    	<?php do_action( 'colormag_after_post_content' ); ?>
    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    go to your theme directory and see content-page…
    replace the file content with this code.

    No @altafhpatel, don’t recommend that. He will lose all of his changes and get upset when the theme updates. If he edits any of those files he will be making a mistake.

    Instead ther user should create and activate a child theme, them modify copies of those files in the child theme directory.



    may be he don’t know much about child theme. i am just giving him temporarily solution. but same way you can create the file in child theme.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Please do not suggest anyone edit those files directly. ??

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