Featured Image Not Broadcasting
Just updated the plugin to version 28.
When I publish a new post, the featured image does not copy correctly to the child site. The featured image show properly on the main site, but on the child site it is missing (404 Not Found). The media library on the child site shows a record of the image, but the image itself is missing.
How can I resolve?
I’ve been having the same problem since… forever. It happens intermittently so it’s almost impossible to de-bug. Every time I turn on the debug logging it fails to fail!
When it does fail, what actually happens is the featured image gets broadcast but it is not CHOSEN in the child post. I have to manually edit the child post and re-choose the featured image to fix it.
I’ve seen it happen on my local (MAMP) install and it happens regularly on my live sites.Even when debugging to just a file?
I’ve never turned on debugging on the live site because it adds error notes to the back-end pages and I don’t want to cause panic with users or risk problems on the front-end. On my local install I’ve never been able to get it to fail with debugging turned on (I just tried again – throwing everything I could at it) but I HAVE seen it happen a couple times in the past.
The problem (for me anyway) seems completely random. I know this is not very helpful but I thought I would share because others have had similar issues.Same problem, after the last upgrade from wp 4.5 to 4.5.2, php 7 and mysql
https://avnode.org/event/lpm-2016-notte-bianca-della-sapienza/Gianluca: If we look at the first child blog in your dump
2016-06-18 17:16:15 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Copied attachment 15113 to 75740
Here the attachment gets copied and gets a new thumbnail ID.
2016-06-18 17:16:15 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Handling post thumbnail for post 75732. Thumbnail ID is now 75740
The custom field should for the child post should now be 75740.
The file seems to exist on disk. Is the thumbnail ID correct in the postmeta table?
Are you using a CDN or similar?
thumbnail ID is 75746, please help!!!
mysql> select * from flyer_wp_17_postmeta where post_id=75732; +---------+---------+-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | meta_id | post_id | meta_key | meta_value | +---------+---------+-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 503048 | 75732 | data_evento | June 17, 2016 | | 503047 | 75732 | wpcf-location | Universita La Sapienza Piazzale Aldo Moro;Rome;Italy;41.9037626;12.514438400000017 | | 503046 | 75732 | _wpcf-custom-css-sort-order | a:1:{i:0;i:81652;} | | 503045 | 75732 | _wpcf-location-sort-order | a:1:{i:0;i:81648;} | | 503044 | 75732 | _post_template | default | | 503043 | 75732 | _edit_last | 1 | | 503042 | 75732 | _edit_lock | 1466374160:1 | | 503049 | 75732 | wpcf-startdate | 1466179200 | | 503050 | 75732 | wpcf-enddate | | | 503051 | 75732 | wpcf-custom-css | | | 503052 | 75732 | wpcf-add-grid-boxes | 0 | | 503053 | 75732 | _thumbnail_id | 75746 | +---------+---------+-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
I’d say that looks about right? The thumbnail ID points to the newly copied image, and judging from the URLs in the dump, the image is reachable from the outside.
It should work, so the question is why isn’t it? Is it not visible in the backend and the frontend?
No shouls be 75740 NOO?
anyway is not visible frontend and backend
It appears as I have been comfused by the dump. It’s terribly difficult to diagnose when you, in the debug dump, have several broadcasts, to several blogs.
The different timezones of all of the blogs make it extra difficult to figure out what is going on. :/
Please delete it, and then broadcast just ONE post to ONE blog.
That dump looks perfect.
2016-06-22 10:34:39 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Handling post thumbnail for post 2208. Thumbnail ID is now 2209
The image should be 2209 in the media library, yes?
The question is how is the featured image even being handled by the theme? Does the 2016-theme show the featured image correctly?
This may or may not be related to the issues in this thread.
I found that if you have a featured image that has a hyphen as the last character in its name (example-.jpg) the Broadcast plugin does not recognize it as a distinct file when re-broadcasting from the Parent site. So you get two images appearing on the child site when you broadcast the second time, three the next time, four the next time, etc.
The good thing about this is there is an immediate solution: don’t name files like that.
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