• Resolved benchwarmer


    Hi Wayne,

    With Postie, is there any way to control, specify or somehow tag an image as the featured image from an email (besides just taking the first one)?

    Most of the posts I’m putting through Postie are HTML from an MS Outlook client that go out to a listserv where the email address tied to Postie is a subscriber (your HTML Cleaner plugin has been helpful here btw). This is sort of a messaging lifecyle system I setup (the message is archived on the “news” website and via RSS is also pushed out to another “main” website in widget-form).

    Anyway, I’m off topic. Many of the posts we put through either have no image (which I can take care of with another plugin that puts a default image in by category) or there is an image as part of someone’s signature line (which would make a poor featured image). However some of our messages have a header image followed by a featured image, usually at a size around 600X300. I was wondering if there is any way to specify an image be featured only if it met certain conditions (such as over a certain size, so it ignores signatures and such) or by order if I know the featured image is always 2nd one that would be displayed in a post?



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  • Plugin Author Wayne Allen


    You would need to do the logic yourself by creating an addon. See https://postieplugin.com/extending/

    Thread Starter benchwarmer


    I was just looking at the list of filters. Is there no specific handler for featured image? Seems gallery is the only image-related filter listed.

    Plugin Author Wayne Allen


    There isn’t one, but is a good idea. How would you see it working?

    postie_add_attachment – fired for each attachment

    Alternatively you could hook postie_post_after and figure out which attachment should be the featured image.

    Thread Starter benchwarmer


    I think the most value would come in conditional handling.

    I have control over the messages that get posted to my site (I also manage the listservs that populate it) so I’m on both sides of the I/O stream, others I’d imagine wouldn’t necessarily be able to predict order of image attachment or otherwise know specifics of which image is best as a feature. Seems like a job for machine learning doesn’t it? Humans can do this super easy, simple algorithm, not so much. Though still some criteria, such as image size would be a good indicator and probably would be right most of the time. Simpler solution may be to use the alt img attribute. For accessibility it would still need to be descriptive, but if you started with “Featured image – Image of white cow in snowstorm” the first part of the string could be parsed.

    Plugin Author Wayne Allen


    Can you name the featured image something consistent? The you can find it and make it the featured image during postie_post_after

    Thread Starter benchwarmer


    Not exactly the same, at least not with the alt attribute. I work at a University so we are having to gear up our accessibility standards in anticipation of upcoming federal regs on the topic. So for example images have to have an accurate description in their alt=”” so that screen readers can describe the image to people with vision difficulites. Unfortunately Outlook doesn’t let you do “pure” html things so I couldn’t put in a pseudo class or anything like that either.

    Thread Starter benchwarmer


    Oh wait. You meant the filename itself. I don’t think I could that either because we’re talking bout MS Outlook HTML emails, so the image is actually part of the message and has no given name. I believe WordPress numbers them sequentially after they get uploaded (or perhaps Outlook does it, not sure. It doesn’t let you peek behind the curtain really). If I attached an image to each email with a name that might work, but I have to think about my email audience too and that would be a bit weird for them I think.

    Thread Starter benchwarmer


    Though now that I think about it, if I maintain that there is a standard Category specific image when there is no Post image, then if someone wanted an alternative to that post image, then and only then could they attach an image with some specific name and it would appear. So it would be an option for specific circumstances, which may work in my use case.

    When Postie ingests an HTML email with embedded images, are they treated as attachments? I’m just trying to think this through. I suppose if I tell it to look for a specifically named attachment it won’t matter, but…

    Plugin Author Wayne Allen


    All images in emails are attachments. The only difference is whether they are displayed inline or not.
    Typically the attachment name in the email matches the filename from your system.

    I’m wondering just what became of this. All of my html emails for posting specify by url the images. Basically code like this:

          <p style="float: left"> <a title="Machete" href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0985694/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1">
              <img longdesc="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0985694/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1" title="Machete"
                alt="Machete cover" src="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZWUxODc2NmItNThkNS00Mzc4LThlYTQtOTYwZjVhYjRiNmMwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg"></a>
          <p align="justify">People are probably going to beat me up for this

    It would be nice if right below my tags: I could have a featured: specifying a url.

    Plugin Author Wayne Allen


    @seasoned_geek What you are asking about is very different than the original poster. Please start your own thread.

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