• Resolved Lois Snyder


    Hello, I was having a problem with getting posts to appear correctly…
    I needed to put in 4 posts to a blog site under development. For the 4 posts, there were 6 photographs. I started the first post and when it was time to set the featured image, I went to ‘add media’ button and instead of uploading only the single photograph for the first post, I uploaded all 6 photographs.

    So now the problem… First thing I did is in media library, went through and set the alt text for each pic. Then, for the first post I selected the pic and set it, no problem it displayed fine on the front end.

    Now for all the next 3 posts, I went though and selected the appropriate pic for each post from media library, but what I found was that on the front end when I clicked ‘read more…’ the next screen did not show the content, just a page that showed ‘image data’, the pic itself, it’s size and and alt text. The content of the blog post did not show.

    When I went back and deleted each pic and uploaded again, now only the post pages appeared correctly. the difference was that for each post, I uploaded the pic for each post individually rather than uploading all pics together and selecting a pic from media library as I enter a new post.

    Hope this make sense. Thinking this could be a bug, I then went back and deleted all pics and tried to duplicate the problem by selecting the featured pic for each post form the library, but this time each post displayed correctly on the front end still.

    So I was unable to duplicate the problem, but thought I would still post this for anyone who is interested to see. Maybe someone else will have a similar problem and see the solution.


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  • Moderator James Huff


    Hm, that’s rather odd. Are you using any sort of caching plugin, or do you see a “Clear/Purge Cache” button in your Dashboard or admin bar? If so, would you please try clearing the cache?

    If that doesn’t work, or if you aren’r running a cache plugin, try deactivating all plugins. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.

    If that does not resolve the issue, try switching to the Twenty Fourteen theme to rule-out a theme-specific issue (theme functions can interfere like plugins).

    Thread Starter Lois Snyder



    Thanks for the response and attempt to help. There is no cache plugin, in that I installed WP super cache, but have not enabled it yet. So that is not an issue.

    As I said in the post, I had found the solution and could not duplicate the problem again later.

    I just posted the issue just so someone else may see in the future if the problem comes up again.


    Moderator James Huff


    Ah, I’m sorry, I completely misunderstood.

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