Thanks A LOT for your help! But seems I’ve been to rushed with this… ?? The original code – from which I’ve started – was:
<li class="count-<?php echo $count; ?> size-picked-<?php echo $pick_size; ?>">
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
the_post_thumbnail( $size );
} ?>
<div class="post_date"> <?php echo $this->timeago(); ?> </div>
<a href="<?php echo get_permalink( get_the_ID() ); ?>">
<?php the_title(); ?>
As you can see, every thumbnail that was generated had a $size atribute. This $size was defined in the function and specified in the wp-admin widget.
Now, the single problem is that – with keesiemeijer’s code – the background image is having the default “large” size, when it should have the $size size.
NOTE: as you can see the divs are totally different, the original code had the image + date + title structure, and – after modifying – the structure is div with the image as a bg + date + title. So the NEW structure (with the image as bg) is the desired one, but with the problem previously stated in this reply.
I’ve tried to replace ‘large’ with $size but – obviously – no result.
If you can please help me finish this I will highly appreciate this!