I’m afraid your reply and the information at https://ogp.me/ is way over my head. Here’s my problem and I’d really appreciate any help you can give me, considering that I do not even know what a meta tag is, how or where to add it, or how to correctly write it.
This problem started a few weeks ago, with our latest posts. When someone clicks on the Facebook share button for that post, an error 404 message appears in the window to post on Facebook. If you go ahead and click on Post to Facebook anyway, usually the actual post appears, but either without the photo, or the photo is upside down. Sometimes, the post doesn’t appear at all and it’s only the error message. You never know until you’ve actually posted it. All the other share buttons work just fine.
I went to the Facebook object debugger and entered one of the post’s url’s and clicked on Debug. It showed a number of errors, but I have no idea how to fix them. For example, here’s what it says:
Object at URL ‘https://finitefoodie.com/2016/12/st-nicholas-day-celebration/’ of type ‘website’ is invalid because a required property ‘og:title’ of type ‘string’ was not provided.
Curl Error : OPERATION_TIMEOUTED Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
Errors That Must Be Fixed
Object Missing a Required Value Object at URL ‘https://finitefoodie.com/2016/12/st-nicholas-day-celebration/’ of type ‘website’ is invalid because a required property ‘og:title’ of type ‘string’ was not provided.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!