• I am in process of creating a neat plugin, one I don’t think I’ve seen yet created (if there is please tell me lol). The idea is to Feature multiple Authors. Anywhere from 4-25+ using jQuery and Javascript swapDiv to create a listing of Featured Authors Latest Posts which will display (lets say) 4 at once, and give the user a navigation at the top and bottom to click to see the next ‘list’ of 4 featured authors. The transition will be a smooth jQuery fade-in/fade-out and show the next entries/authors.

    The programming logic/theory: Figure out how many featured authors there are and create divs/html based on the count, run swapDiv javascript to hide the ‘extra’ non-visible featured authors, fade in the first 4 featured authors latest posts, then run a setInterval function in javascript (lest say) after 7 seconds it will fade-out/fade-in the next list of authors while also animating/showing the next button selected.

    Doable? Heck yah, and it will be sweet! Anyone do a similar setup and can give me a jump start in the right direction? I would like to see your opinion/any helpful code snippets to put this neat plugin together.

    The idea behind the plugin: Authors don’t get noticed very well, especially get long exposure with there most recent post if others are posting and it replaces there post on the most recent post for a category. So, I’m taking this one step further and not only using categories as the pages for the site, but giving the authors better recognition and a spot that they can have all to themselves.

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  • It sounds awesome! If you could email me when you are finished, I would be happy to test it on a project I am working on! [email protected]

    Thread Starter scrat0i71


    Thanks to MichaelH a moderator on this forum and SimonJ who thought of this idea as well, I found a great start to getting this plugin in the right direction. You can find the forum post here which contains all the necessary PHP to implement, in this case, on the home page of your wordpress blog. The plugin is coming slowly but surely, and I’m excited to hopefully get this up soon!

    Compatibility with WordPress Multi-User (WPMU)installations would be great. You might want to look at codes from WPMU SiteWide Featured User Widget

    Thread Starter scrat0i71


    I’ve managed to create the whole setup (which looks and runs awesome), but I haven’t been able to put it in a plug-in fashion just yet. I’ve got some rather quick dead lines, but I’m hoping sometime this month I can crank it out. It will be my first plug-in, but a very awesome one at that : )

    I will post a link to the site I’m creating when it’s live, so you can see the idea in action. At that point, I should be able to hack away at the plug-in here and there. It’s gonna be sweet!

    Thread Starter scrat0i71


    The site is finally live! : D Check it out: https://chicgalleria.com/

    You can see the featured author section on the home page and how it operates. I just have to get this into a plug-in fashion and it will work great! Obviously there are bugs that still need to be worked out, but thats just how sites come together.



    Wow, lovely website.

    How did you do the Menu function under the Main Picture?

    Would love to use that in my WP Blog


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