• Resolved Tim Reeves


    Hi there,

    I really prefer this Juiz SPS plugin to all others I’ve seen – but one called “2 Click Social Media Buttons” has a definite advantage in one aspect: It offers hover-tips to each button, and – more importantly – an optional info-button at the end of the row of social buttons. That button shows brief hover info and can be clicked to take you to a web page with in-depth info – see it here.

    I feel that right at this time – Snowden, NSA, GCHQ and so on – it’s very important to not only be unobtrusive (great job already by Geoffrey) but also to inform the users what’s going on (or not) in the background when they visit your web page. So it would be really great if such a button could be added to Juiz SPS! I’ll gladly write a good english text and translate to german, if that is any help.

    Cheers, Tim


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  • Plugin Author Geoffrey


    Hi Tim,

    This “2 click […]” plugin works with JS by default, adding 1 HTTP request and 5kb to the list of 5/10 JS script by WordPress website.

    Other thing : What is the aim of those interrupters next to the button. This plugin “2 click” is not user friendly. You need a manual to understand it… not logical!

    Adding more and always more request is not my aim.
    I just want to offer a lightweight plugin with some options I’ll never use myself because of JS need.

    SPS plugin have a hook to add a button or another kind of element in the buttons list. It’s possible to add text, link to another page, adapt styles or scripts to transform title tooltips into JS tooltip if you prefer a non-accessible content ??

    My initial wish was to have a simple plugin, a lightweight plugin, an accessible plugin and a customizable plugin.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

    Thread Starter Tim Reeves


    Hi all,
    thanks to the feedback from Geoffrey I have now been able to customize the Plugin as I want to have it. Here’s how (including the fix for the AdBlock Plus problem I submitted):

    1. Info-Button: Add a new FAQ-Section or Page with this content (linked below)

    <a name="socialinfo" id="socialinfo"></a><h3>Gef?llt mir &ndash; mit Datenschutz!</h3>
    <p>Immer mehr Websites binden die Gef?llt-Mir-Buttons von Facebook, Google+, Twitter & Co. ein; wir auch. Allerdings werden oft - je nach Implementierung - durch diese Buttons schon beim Laden der Seite – also ganz ohne dass der Anwender etwas dazu tut – Daten an die Betreiber der Netzwerkplattformen über&shy;tragen. Die enthalten neben der URL der aktuellen Seite unter anderem eine Kennung, die zumindest bei dort angemeldeten Nutzern direkt mit einer Person verknüpft ist. Facebook & Co k?nnen also komplette Surfprofile ihrer Nutzer erstellen; Details dazu erkl?rt der Heise-Artikel <a href="https://www.heise.de/security/artikel/Das-verraet-Facebooks-Like-Button-1230906.html" title="Heise-Artikel zum Like-Problem im neuen Tab ?ffnen" target="_blank">Das Like-Problem</a>. Da dies unseren Vorstellungen von Datenschutz keinesfalls entspricht, haben wir nach sorgf?ltiger Auswahl eine zweistufige L?sung eingesetzt, die erst dann Daten übermittelt, wenn Sie auf eines der Social-Buttons klicken.</p>

    2. Info-Button: Add some PHP Code

    See “documentation.html” in the unpacked Juiz SPS package!

    Insert the following code into the functions.php file; OR – if you are using a technically strong theme –
    you can may find a place in its settings where you can add PHP code directly in the WP-Backend
    (Weaver ii: Advanced Options | Actions and Filters).

    if( !function_exists('content_after_jsps_last_item')) {
    	function content_after_jsps_last_item() {
    		return '<li class="juiz_sps_item juiz_sps_link_socialinfo"><a href="/faq#socialinfo"
    				   title="ERST DANN, wenn Sie auf eines dieser Buttons klicken, werden Informationen an das jeweilige soziale Netzwerk, eventuell ins Ausland, übertragen und unter Umst?nden auch dort gespeichert. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen."><span class="juiz_sps_icon"></span><span class="juiz_sps_network_name">Info zu den Buttons</span></a></li>';
    add_filter('juiz_sps_after_last_item', 'content_after_jsps_last_item');

    3. Adblock Plus Problem: Add CSS Code

    It turns out that the problem from Fanboys Social Blocking Filter is only that the sprite image file itself is being blocked. This makes a workaround easy – just manually upload the sprite (whichever version you opted for) to another location in the uploads tree of WordPress (e.g. uploads/images/sps_sprites.png) and add the following
    statement into your CSS (how you can do that depends on the theme you are using;
    Weaver ii: Advanced Options | Custom CSS Rules).

    Note that this code may be included in a generated stylesheet BEFORE the stylesheet from Juiz SPS, therefore for this rule to always have priority the explicit “span” was added.

    .juiz_sps_links span.juiz_sps_icon { background:url("../images/sps_sprites_tr.png") 0 -16px no-repeat; }

    4. Info-Button: How to make a pretty icon for it

    Copy the relevant sprite and extend it on the right side with questionmark icons. Upload it as described above. Then add the following statements into your CSS.

    .juiz_sps_links .juiz_sps_link_socialinfo .juiz_sps_icon { background-position: -178px -16px; }
    .juiz_sps_links .juiz_sps_link_socialinfo a:hover, .juiz_sps_links .juiz_sps_link_socialinfo a:focus { color: #008800; }
    .juiz_sps_links .juiz_sps_item.juiz_sps_link_socialinfo a:hover .juiz_sps_icon,
    .juiz_sps_links .juiz_sps_item.juiz_sps_link_socialinfo a:focus .juiz_sps_icon { background-position: -178px 0; }

    You can see this fix in action at the BiR-Blog.

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