• Right now there is only one setting, to expire package. But that is not very user friendly. If user reaches limit (lets say 10 days or whatever the setting is) the account expires and user needs to create new account in order to post new listing.
    Most people will just get upset and never come back to the site.

    Besides package expiration, have another option below to set expiration of posts.
    That will allow me to set set package expiration (lets say 6 months) but I can set post expiration to 10 days.
    This is more user friendly and allows users longer time to explore site before having to upgrade.

    This would be a great thing if the system could send automatic email to agents “Your property posting is about to expire, renew your listing or mark your property as sold”

    Same for packages, send email notice that their package is about to expire and to visit the page to renew.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by calisun.
  • The topic ‘Feature Suggestion – posts expiration’ is closed to new replies.