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  • I would love it if there were an option setting that let you pick media, for use by things like background images.

    Plugin Author GDY


    Hey aredridel,

    Right now it is possible to add a option field that can be used for the module background. In the example-files folder (inside the plugin folder) is a example module that has a option field for the background color. But right now it is only possible to add text or select option fields …

    I have plans for a link and image option field that let you pick that contents with the link/media window.

    Right now im focused on the documentation (cooming soon) and a utility plugin for easier installation and module management (also cooming soon).

    After that there are coming new features like image links and these new option fields ??

    Plugin Author GDY


    Here is a snippet how you can add module backgrounds with the current options:

    add_action( ‘gdymc_modulesettings’, function ( $module ) {

    optionInput( ‘background’, array(

    ‘type’ => ‘select’,
    ‘options’ => array(
    ‘white’ => __( ‘White’, ‘Domain’ ),
    ‘bright’ => __( ‘Bright’, ‘Domain’ ),
    ‘dark’ => __( ‘Dark’, ‘Domain’ ),
    ‘highlight’ => __( ‘Highlight’, ‘Domain’ ),
    ‘default’ => ‘white’,
    ‘label’ => __( ‘Module background’, ‘Domain’ ),

    ), $module->id );

    }, 5, 1 );

    add_filter( ‘gdymc_module_class’, function( $classes ) {

    $layout = optionGet( ‘background’ );

    $classes[] = ‘background_’ . $layout;

    return $classes;

    } );

    Place this in your themes functions.php to add this option to all GDYMC modules. This adds a class to the module container so you can set your background in your stylesheet like this:

    .background_bright { background: url( repeat; }

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