• As already mentioned, I will use the program for competitions our Photo group(s). Therefore the rating system should allow rating only within one period per album.

    What is the process:
    1. photographers make an upload to an album. The display & control via the album widget of only their own photos.

    2. after the upload period is over, the album is published for rating.

    3. the group then has 7 days to rate.

    4. now comes my request:
    a) the rating of the photos in the album should not be possible after that, but as before, the ratings can be changed in this phase.

    b) nice tio have: The photos are numbered consecutively after the upload, the old name is hidden but not overwritten. So that one in the evaluation (I make I an export from the database) can assign the names again.
    In the moment no problem, I do this manually. But I have just a request about a greater competition with much more photos.

    Look forward to a response on this.

    Many greetings

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by haween.
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  • Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    New version:

    Improved layout and a new setting:
    Table IV-E19: Contest number. You can select '---none---' (default), 'Photo id' or 'Sequence number' to be placed near the photo name under the preview image.

    Thread Starter haween


    The first competition could be successfully completed after all evaluators have cast their votes, I have finished the evaluation and could immediately(!) present the result. Super.

    All in all, everyone praised the process, the evaluation and the presentation of the results very much and we will continue to use this now. Many thanks for that!

    Other groups have also expressed interest and I will present it in March to see if it is right for them.

    I know that there is a different kind of judging and also that the uploadtool needs a bigger functionality. A first short test with WPPA+ shows me that some adjustments would be necessary.

    Also for the judging the current point system is not suitable in all phases. But I think with a few filters and batch functions this would be relatively fast feasible.

    Many greetings

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    I know that there is a different kind of judging and also that the uploadtool needs a bigger functionality. A first short test with WPPA+ shows me that some adjustments would be necessary.

    Also for the judging the current point system is not suitable in all phases

    I am always open for suggestions to extend functionality.

    The release version will have another setting to limit the display to any number from 3 onwards. Also, when there are 2 or more with the same result, the will have the same ranking (ex equo).

    Thread Starter haween


    Great, that makes sense. We were close, but it just fit with different results.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Hi, Just FYI:
    Read (and comment here if you like):

    Thread Starter haween


    Yes, that looks good.

    I still got feedback now after how the reviews discussed. The problem is that some of the ratings are very far apart and some do not follow the rules exactly.

    A rating with 10 points is made up of three individual assessments.
    1. theme (theme or default met, expression, what does the photographer want to say with it)

    2. composition (design and composition)

    3. technique and quality.

    Each category gets three points.
    One extra point for the top photo.

    My question (idea)

    If I divide the 10 stars in the ranking area into 3/3/3/1
    and I rate in the segments, I also get a total number analogous to the current rating. But I can reproduce the rating.

    Is something like this practicable?

    Thread Starter haween


    We had a conference call this morning on the subject. We should leave it as it is. No evaluation in individual categories, that will not simplify the discussion. Sinder only shift into the individual categories. You can still make the subdivision so fine, but in the end it will never be really objective, but often influenced by personal taste.
    We clarify the points then in a picture discussion.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    You can force the raters to add a comment to clarify their rating.
    See Table IV-E3.2 Rating requires comment.

    If you enable this and they do not enter a comment, the rating will have status pending and will not count for the average and not for the total.

    Thread Starter haween


    Yes, that’s a good idea to test it at the next contest.
    Thanks for the information.

    Thread Starter haween


    I have tried it and it is indeed a good way to explain the own rating.
    However, the problem is, currently all others see the rating also in the competition. So you would have to limit the visibility of the comments to show only your own ratings.
    Also, with each new image, the hint in the browser came to the comment field as a mandatory entry. I would also make that not obligatory, but leave it to the rater to comment on the image. Important just to make the rating invisible to everyone else, as long as the album is in the contest.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by haween.
    Thread Starter haween


    Another problem I have found is when I upload multiple photos to different albums.
    For example, in the contest there are max 6 photos allowed that I can upload in 6 albums (photo categories). However, I can distribute the number of photos, even 6 in one album.
    The upload and selection into the album works very well via the widget, there I can define the albums.
    But it is not possible to define the number of photos only for the contest, but only the max. upload number of photos per user. If I now change the global setting is counted corrrectly and then only max 6 photos can be loaded. But the problem: The user now wants to exchange a photos again. He can delete it but not upload another new photo.

    So there should be a possibility to define an own number only for this contest, which also considers the deletion and reduces the count of uploaded images by the deleted photos.


    In this context: can I monitor image size and dimensions of the photos in the upload? So e.g. max. 8MB file size and the dimensions min. 3840 on the long edge?
    This is not currently needed, but will be a requirement when I introduce the tool to another group soon.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    So you would have to limit the visibility of the comments to show only your own ratings.

    I will add an option to select visibility of comments in the contest display:
    everybody, comment owner, admin only. Maybe an option to make the comments visible to comment and photo owner? (Admin will always see them)

    The user now wants to exchange a photos again. He can delete it but not upload another new photo.

    The user should be able to delete and upload a new one. I will get into this; maybe it takes up to 2 hours until the photo is removed from trash.

    max. 8MB file size and the dimensions min. 3840 on the long edge?

    This is for later

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    I found out about limitation.

    The only limitation you should set is:

    – Tick Table VII-B: Fe limits per album
    – For the userrole(s) the competitors have, specify the limit in Table VII-B5.x not being zero and for ever.

    No other number limitation settings, not on settings and not on album admin pages.

    If they delete a photo they can immediately upload a new one.

    You can test it yourself here (I enabled it also for loggedout; user is ip address in that case): https://betatest.opajaap.nl/
    Use the upload box above the Upload limit test thumbnail display.
    The upload box even tells you how many you can still upload.
    You can see the results immediately; the page will reload after upload automatically.

    I set the min/max sizes in Table VII-B10.1 and 10.2, they apply both to width and height and are also shown in the upload dialog.

    Thread Starter haween


    Yes, I have tried that. Deleting and uploading a new photo again works. Also the limit for the size is ok, I had overlooked that. I then do a reload of the page and I can upload photos again.

    What does not work, is a limit over e.g. 3 albums with max. 6 photos. No matter how many are loaded into each album. The assignment to the albums can be done individually. In sum, however, max. 6 photos in this example. I have to be able to define the number of photos.

    For albums outside the competition this should not apply, there the user should be able to continue his photos without limit.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    I found where it fails (upload after delete) and will be fixed in the next version.

    If the contest albums all are children of one parent, i could create a ‘max uploads per user in the tree’ limitation, to configure on the parent albums album admin page.

    So, that would be very usefull to make it not more complex than needed.

    In the mean time i made the display of comments configurable:
    * New setting: Table IV-E21: Contest comment visibility. The policy to display comments on the contest display. Possible options are: ‘None’, ‘Commenter’, ‘Commenter and photo owner’, ‘Every visitor’. Note: Admin always sees the comments.

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