Feature request – Responsive breakpoints
Hello, great job on this plugin, love its simplicity. However, I find it’s seriously lacking in a major feature: responsive breakpoints.
Currently you can only specify a set column width with the col-sm-* class and with the lack of any other classes (col-xs-*, col-md-*, col-lg-*) the same column width is used for all screen sizes, except in mobile where each column occupies full width.
A good first step would be to allow editing the column class directly (for experienced users) – as opposed to allow just adding classes in the “fsn-column-inner” element which do not affect the columns.
As a further improvement, you could allow setting responsive breakpoints via the options menu and then allow different column sizes via select boxes inside each column’s settings.
UI wise it would be very difficult to describe the breakpoints in the editor in a different way; I guess as an added bonus you could make the columns responsive depending on the selected settings – but that would also require additional element queries because the editor includes additional elements.
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