by “adding post_type support for comments” I simply meant exactly that.
in its easiest implementation this could involve adding ‘comments’ to $this->post_properties[‘supports’] at line 172 of class-cf2-post-factory.php
I want clients of my web design business to be able to create support tickets (posts of a custom post type called ‘ticket’) on my customer support website. Having the WP comment system available for that post type, and echoing their tickets out on the front end in their client area, means we can both view the tickets and reply to each other – i.e. a ticket system.
Aside from post_type support for comments, I was unable to set different single and archive slugs for the cpt, so couldn’t create the exact implementation I was after. Instead I hand coded the CPT and used Gravity Forms to create the ‘ticket’ posts.
It works perfectly, but I’d have preferred to use CF7 and your plugin, and very nearly could.