Feature Request: Multiple Dates/Times for regular events
Hello. Your FAQ said to post feature requests here but please let me know if there’s a better place for this.
I love this plugin but there’s one thing that’s constantly frustrating, which is that I most often use this for theatre companies, who *very* often have different times for events at the same location (ex.: 8pm and 2pm matinee). Most often we want to display a single show listing on the main feed with the date range (i.e. Macbeth: May 1st – June 2nd), and then just have all the available dates & times for that show on the event single page.
Copying the event to post it individually for every single date/time is a pain, clutters the event feed, and bloats the database, and we also can’t use a recurring event because you can only set one time that applies to all of the events in the series anyway.
We usually solve this by using ACF Pro to add a repeater field to the regular (non-recurring) events that says “If this event has other dates/times, please use the “WHEN” field to set the dates/times between which the event should display in the event feed, and then add all of the specific dates/times here.” This allows us to have ONE listing for the show in the main feed that stays there until the end of the show’s run, and use EM’s placeholders to display the date range without times there, and then use ACF to display the individual dates/times on the single event page, which we link to an external ticketing system because this does not work with Event Manager’s native booking system.
Obviously this is not ideal, so it would be *awesome* if you could make the WHEN field a repeater that lets us add any number of individual dates/times to a single event.
Or alternatively, choose whether to use a recurring pattern or just enter specific dates/times for a recurring event.
In a perfect world it seems like it’d be ideal to merge the single events and recurring events so we could enter all events in one place and then just choose whether to add specific dates/times or set a recurring pattern. But I’m guessing that’d basically require rewriting the plugin, so just having the option of multiple specific dates/times for a single event listing would be super helpful.
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