Hey Kyle – Thanks for the kudos. As for whether it can be nested in the Settings menu, the reason it cannot is for a few reasons:
1) We try not to impose on WP core’s Settings
2) Because we need room for both the list of all snippets, as well as the Add/Edit Snippet screen, it makes for too many screens that it would feel as though we’re overtaking the WP Settings options.
3) If we ever need to further expand the plugin, having a separate tab ensures we have the ability to add more screens without changing the entire UI for all 10,000+ active sites / users.
Hope you understand, but just wanted you to know that we did see this and wanted to reply so you know the thought process. Thanks again, and if you don’t mind please do leave us a review as that’s how we can commit to keeping this plugin free and dedicate our team to continue improving it.
Charlie (CEO of 99 Robots)