• My migration test from qtranslate continues… =)

    One thing I implemented to qtranslate was a way for themes to implement “this content is available in languages x, y, z” feature. Here’s a patch for this. And some related issues I noticed while coding.

    1. Post / Language flags

    – If title AND content is removed from a post, it can not be saved. At least one must be present.

    – Personally I like to create title for a post for all languages and leave the content empty.

    The content is most important piece of data to be present, if it is missing the admin interface should not show a flag. If the flag is present this could make user to believe that the page has been completely translated.

    This is why I propose that the flag should be present only when the content has been created for the language.

    2. Unnecessary Filters

    add_filter( ‘the_post’, ‘wpm_translate_post’, 5 );
    add_filter( ‘the_title’, ‘wpm_translate_string’, 5 );
    add_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘wpm_translate_string’, 5 );
    add_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘wpm_translate_string’, 5 );

    All of these are filters of theme functions and they are only usable inside the loop. If there is a loop the $post is already filled with data and the data has already been run thru ‘get_pages’ and ‘posts_results’ filters.

    I tracing translate term and object calls and come to conclusion that these should be disabled. I admit that this was very limited test.

    But what are these filters as I could not find them from WordPress at all. And I still bet that they would have the same reason to be disables as the above do.

    add_filter( ‘post_title’, ‘wpm_translate_string’, 5 );
    add_filter( ‘post_excerpt’, ‘wpm_translate_value’, 5 );
    add_filter( ‘post_content’, ‘wpm_translate_value’, 5 );

    3. Feature Available languages

    – I just iterate the language string and create an array to the related post object to be available everywhere.

    – “!isset($object->wpm_content_languages))” was necessary here as the object was translated multiple times. I don’t know should it be removed even if the redundant filters are disabled.

    I can present example theme code how to utilize on the themes later on, if this seems to be a good idea.

    And here’s the patch.

    From 9837373ceb242c5a67d130b82bdf25f22a5c600a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
    From: Mikael Willberg <[email protected]>
    Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2017 04:12:10 +0200
    Subject: [PATCH] Add feature available languages and related changes
     includes/admin/class-wpm-admin-posts.php |  4 +++-
     includes/class-wpm-posts.php             | 16 +++++++++-------
     includes/wpm-translation-functions.php   | 17 +++++++++++++++++
     3 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
    diff --git a/includes/admin/class-wpm-admin-posts.php b/includes/admin/class-wpm-admin-posts.php
    index f090b37..548111d 100644
    --- a/includes/admin/class-wpm-admin-posts.php
    +++ b/includes/admin/class-wpm-admin-posts.php
    @@ -100,7 +100,9 @@ class WPM_Admin_Posts {
     			$post      = wpm_untranslate_post( get_post() );
     			$output    = array();
    -			$text      = $post->post_title . $post->post_content;
    +            // MIG: Only content needs primary indicator
    +            // $text   = $post->post_title . $post->post_content;
    +			$text      = $post->post_content;
     			$strings   = wpm_value_to_ml_array( $text );
     			$languages = wpm_get_lang_option();
    diff --git a/includes/class-wpm-posts.php b/includes/class-wpm-posts.php
    index facbe5a..8cfdc82 100644
    --- a/includes/class-wpm-posts.php
    +++ b/includes/class-wpm-posts.php
    @@ -35,13 +35,15 @@ class WPM_Posts extends WPM_Object {
     	public function __construct() {
     		add_filter( 'get_pages', array( $this, 'translate_posts' ), 5 );
     		add_filter( 'posts_results', array( $this, 'translate_posts' ), 5 );
    -		add_filter( 'post_title', 'wpm_translate_string', 5 );
    -		add_filter( 'post_excerpt', 'wpm_translate_value', 5 );
    -		add_filter( 'post_content', 'wpm_translate_value', 5 );
    -		add_filter( 'the_post', 'wpm_translate_post', 5 );
    -		add_filter( 'the_title', 'wpm_translate_string', 5 );
    -		add_filter( 'the_content', 'wpm_translate_string', 5 );
    -		add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'wpm_translate_string', 5 );
    +//MIG: Do these even exsist ? And most likely they already been processed like below.
    +//		add_filter( 'post_title', 'wpm_translate_string', 5 );
    +//		add_filter( 'post_excerpt', 'wpm_translate_value', 5 );
    +//		add_filter( 'post_content', 'wpm_translate_value', 5 );
    +//MIG: Why are these needed ? These have already been processed by get_pages and posts_results filters ('translate_posts')
    +//		add_filter( 'the_post', 'wpm_translate_post', 5 );
    +//		add_filter( 'the_title', 'wpm_translate_string', 5 );
    +//		add_filter( 'the_content', 'wpm_translate_string', 5 );
    +//		add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'wpm_translate_string', 5 );
     		add_filter( 'the_editor_content', 'wpm_translate_string', 5 );
     		add_action( 'parse_query', array( $this, 'filter_posts_by_language' ) );
     		add_filter( "get_{$this->object_type}_metadata", array( $this, 'get_meta_field' ), 5, 3 );
    diff --git a/includes/wpm-translation-functions.php b/includes/wpm-translation-functions.php
    index 56e2536..d0dafb1 100644
    --- a/includes/wpm-translation-functions.php
    +++ b/includes/wpm-translation-functions.php
    @@ -373,6 +373,23 @@ function wpm_translate_object( $object, $lang = '' ) {
     			case 'post_excerpt':
     			case 'description':
     			case 'post_content':
    +		        //MIG: Languages are analyzed for post_content only
    +		        //MIG: WPM 2.1.6 objects are translated multiple times (unnecessary filters ?)
    +		        //MIG: and so languages are analyzed only at the first pass
    +		        if (($key == 'post_content') && !isset($object->wpm_content_languages)){
    +		          $object->wpm_content_languages=array();
    +		          //MIG: XXX Should Serialized or JSON be analyzed too ???!!!
    +		          if ( wpm_is_ml_string( $content ) ) {
    +		            foreach(wpm_string_to_ml_array($content) as $mig_item => $mig_item_data)           {
    +		              if (!empty(trim($mig_item_data))){
    +		                $object->wpm_content_languages[]=$mig_item;
    +		              }
    +		            }
    +		          }
    +		        }
     				if ( is_serialized_string( $content ) ) {
     					$object->$key = serialize( wpm_translate_value( unserialize( $content ), $lang ) );
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  • Hi @mwillberg
    1. Not all post types using post_content. And post_title the only one field that using in all post types.
    2. Not all plugins use ‘get_posts’. Many plugins use ‘get_post’. That function have no filters for the object. And it need using template filters.
    3. The need for this is to be studied in more detail. Not all post types use ‘post_content’.

    Thank you for your help. If you have any ideas, be sure to write. Improve WP Multilang together.

    first of all thanks for this great plugin!
    I just want to know if it is already possible to just show the avaiable languages per page instead of showing all languages which were added? I want to translate only some pages. For the rest I want to make the language switcher links invisible.
    Best regards,

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