• Tammy Hart


    Firstly, thanks for the great plugin. This makes it really easy for users to maintain their page structure on their own without editing templates.

    one more thing that would really make it awesome, is if there could be the ability to add in page descriptions after the page title. Similar to what I’ve hacked together on my site: https://www.tammyhartdesigns.com

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  • MichaelH


    But what did you use for the page descriptions? A custom field, for example?

    Hi, I′m using this plugin on wordpress mu, and wordpress mu had this a php code for mark the active menu with an especific CSS

    <li<?php if ( bp_is_page( ‘home’ ) ) {?> class=”selected”<?php } ?>>

    I couldnt find a whay that I can put this code on the

    <?php wp_list_pages_plus(); ?>

    I′m not an PHP expert so my knowledge is little.

    Any sugestion ?

    Thanx! for this great plugin I use a lot on WP themes but is my first try con WPmu ??

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