• Resolved tarheel83169


    This is a great plugin. Anyone who wishes to accept facebook comments and have them added to the wordpress database on the fly while still allowing site visitors to elect to use the native wordpress comment systems will be hard pressed to find another. Fat panda comes close, and it is responsive, but it only imports the existing comments into wordpress – it doesn’t update the database with the newer comments posted after it’s installation – and it totally hijacks the native commenting system.

    SEO Facebook comments, however, needs a very critical upgrade: the ability to expand and contract to accommodate whatever size screen it’s being viewed on. I did find this script in another thread on this topic:

    .fb_iframe_widget, .fb_iframe_widget span, .fb_iframe_widget iframe {width: 100% !important;}

    That modification to the CSS does in fact make the SEO facebook comments plugin fluid – but when added to my website’s main style.css file causes issues with other elements of the page which also depend on facebook iframes. Specifically the like button and the send button. It maligns their positions on the page and distorts the flyout(s) causing them to be cropped and rendering them completely useless.

    I was certain that adding the above script to the actual fbstyle.css plugin file would resolve the issue, but after doing that the plugin ceased to produce fluid results – as if the code was being completely ignored.

    I’ve tried numerous workarounds – flushing the cache after each attempt. No luck.

    I would provide a link to my site but since I can’t find a solution I deactivated SEO facebook comments and have resorted to using another plugin to accept facebook comments. That plugin is fluid ‘straight out of tha box’ and it does preserve the native commenting system but it doesn’t result in an updated wordpress database.

    My only consolation is that occasionally I can activate the SEO facebook comments plugin and it automatically imports all the newer facebook comments collected by that “other” plugin into the database. But it’s a hassle I’d like to avoid.

    If there’s a fix I would love to have it. And if there is a fix it should be added to this awesome plugin by the author. Please? lol …


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  • Plugin Author bemcapaz



    The code above worked with some adjustments, this feature is now going to be implemented in version 1.5.1 of the plugin.

    Thanks for the feedback ??

    Thread Starter tarheel83169


    that’s awesome, bem – thanks. I can’t wait to get SEO facebook comments back in charge of my blogs commenting system!

    Plugin Author bemcapaz


    Great! I just updated the new version, let me know if it works on your blogs now.

    I performed some testes locally with wordpress 3.8+ and everything seems to works fine.

    Thread Starter tarheel83169


    It works great for me on desktop applications – as long as I don’t check the tick-box for a mobile layout. If I check that then it applies the mobile version on non mobile devices as well. I tried it on firefox and IE both browsers committed the error delivering a mobile version on desktop.

    On mobile the updated plugin DOES have fluid width — it DOES shrink and expand to fit the device size – but I’m sad to say it creates a “push-off” – resulting in a scroll bar at the bottom of the browser of about 50% screen width as well as a huge white ‘dead zone’ space. I wasn’t positive it was the SEOfaceboook comments plugin causing the push-off, so i deactivated it and the push-off went away. Reactivated it – the push-off reappeared – so the push-off is def caused by the seofacebook comments plugin. I tested it on iphone5, samsung galaxy and a HTC ONE using this mobile emulator: https://mobiletest.me/

    You can see the plugin in action live on my blog here and run the same test using the mobile emulator I shared with you or perhaps try your own test page in that emulator and see if the push-off occurs for your site(s) as well.

    I suspect it’s something to do with the “Check this box if you want to show a different layout of Facebook Comments in mobile devices” feature causing the push-off, but that’s just a guess on my part.

    One last note, I was previously using the comments evolved plugin to handle this task but it doesn’t update the database. And – when I first installed it – it too was not expanding 100% but rather chopped down to just 300px. I installed the following css ID mod and it immediately expanded 100% on all devices:

    #fb-comments span {
    	width: 100% !important;

    The above code most likely wouldn’t work for seofacebookcomments as-is because the ID class is not correct. If modified for seofacebookcomments it’s very possible it would do the trick very easily.

    I have screenshots of the push-off in mobile as well as the mobile version delivered in the desktop environment – if you need them just contact me using the contact form on the blog I linked to.

    thanks for all your hard work on behalf of this plugin.

    Thread Starter tarheel83169


    Ok so I’ve eliminated the push off issue – and it was NOT seofacebookcomments causing the issue. It was login radius causing seofacebookcomments to appear to be the culprit. I deactivated login radius and the issue was resolved.

    the mobile version appearing on desktop, however, still persists but is easily avoided by simply not ticking that check box and entering 100% as the maximum width.

    i really appreciate your help. My blog is back to it’s old self again.

    Plugin Author bemcapaz


    The mobile layout is a feature on the Facebook Comments itself, doing some tests I found out that this version have some bugs.

    So far, the fluid default Facebook Comments that we created (which is kinda a CSS Hack for the plugin) works better then the version provided by the Facebook team. For now I will keep the option for mobile version (since it’s a feature of the comments) but to be honest, I think that just inserting 100% width for the comments is a much better solution, which is what you just did.

    Thanks for the feedback, and I’m glad that your blog is back to it’s former glory ??

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