Hi Jordy,
as mentioned above my list of filters and sort options that I wish ?? for the next release:
Sort by
Size (smallest to biggest and vice versa)
Date of creation
Last Update date
User (Admin, User1 etc.)
Filetype (jpg, png, webp etc.)
Resolution (150 x 150, 728 x 90 etc.)
Registred format (i.e. medium, medium large, main-full etc.)
Size (Fields / Size slider to define Minimum and Maxium or Buttons of predefined size ranges)
Date of creation (mayb three fields yeahr, month, day, so that the user can display, for example, all files from December or 2016 or a combination)
Last Update date ((mayb three fields yeahr, month, day, so that the user can display, for example, all files from December or 2016 or a combination))
User (Admin, User1 etc.)
Filetype (jpg, png, webp etc.)
Resolution (Dropdown with sizes found or fields for entering width and length)
Registred format (i.e. medium, medium large, main-full etc.)
Color or grey / b&w pictures
Thx in advance! ??
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by