• While finetuning my new VPS, I’ve been looking into Google Pagespeed.

    The takeaway from that is there’s certain plugin directories like my Banner Ads as well as Custom Optin Form Generator that contain unoptimised images.

    It would be helpful to be able to optimise these as well with EWWW and even add them to a list of special media directories such as what was done with BuddyPress.



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  • Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Just FYI, when PHP says Warning, that is not the same as an ‘error’. It may seem like splitting hairs, but in PHP a Warning is not fatal, the script will keep running. An actual Error in PHP is fatal and will usually kill the running script. I had noticed that in my logs and forgot to do anything with it, so I’ll get that pushed out to the repository shortly.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Ok, fixes are in dev, had to work through one more quirk since metaslider calls the optimization from the front-side of the website and not the admin.

    Probably causes a small performance hit, but only when it actually has to generate new images. Once they are generated, the plugin should be totally ignored since wp uses ‘lazy-loading’ for the wp_image_editor classes.

    Trying to work out how to allow optimizing previous metaslider (and other) images in the uploads/ folder without re-optimizing EVERYTHING in the uploads/ folder, which is generally going to be less than desirable.

    It might be feasible to query the database to generate a list of metaslider images instead. I’ll post back if I figure anything out on that.

    Hi nosilver4u,

    You’re quite right, Meta Slider will create an image if it can’t find a previously resized image when the slideshow is loaded. In the future I might change it so it creates those images when the slideshow is saved. It should check the file system before creating a new image, so if one exists it will never get as far as WP_Image_Editor.

    If there an action that I can call after Meta Slider has done its image resizing to invoke EWWW to do its thing?


    Thanks so much for the join collaboration on this. You guys are awesome!

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    ML, at this point I’ve integrated EWWW into the wp_image_editor class in the dev version of EWWW so that any image created with wp_image_editor will be automatically optimized. So, if you create the images when the slideshow is saved, you could still use wp_image_editor to process the image, which would automatically invoke the EWWW plugin when the images are created. In my opinion, that would be ideal from a performance standpoint, as the optimization can cause small delays in page load if a user does a slider with PNG images.

    The current issue is how to optimize previously created metaslider images. So I did some digging on that this morning, and I think I can query that from the database quite easily. The only thing I’m unsure of is if meta-slider pro stores things in the database differently than meta-slider lite. In particular, I’m curious if the meta key is still ml-slider_type in the postmeta table?

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    I’m done working on this until Monday. The only thing left is to query for a list of metaslider images for the bulk ‘Optimize More’ process. wp_image_editor is fully implemented, among other things. Try out the dev release, beat the crap out of, and let me know if you find any other bugs (even warnings, I don’t like to leave loose ends hanging).

    @nosilver4u – I have the Meta Slider Pro version and I checked my DB this morning. The meta key is indeed ml-slider_type so perhaps that will help for coding on your end. The only other meta key reference for Meta Slider Pro in postmeta table is ml-slider_settings.

    @matchalabs – Perhaps you can confirm my finding on this. Thanks again.

    @nosilver4u – Just so I understand the process at this point. Please confirm.

    – I should download the Development Version (svn) from the repository

    – The EWWW Image Optmizer plugin will now optimize images automatically based on images that are resized “on the fly” by the Meta Slider Pro plugin without any further settings required such as specifying directories in the EWWW Image Optimizer plugin settings menu.

    This automatic optimization for “on the fly” created images is important as my site needs to constantly create images for the slider based on the most recent 15 posts. Also, I want to verify that the EWWW Image Optimizer will not impede any rendering performance for my website.

    Please let me know if there is anything else that I need to do to make this work.

    Much appreciated…


    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    1. correct, but make sure you click on Development Version, and not svn (unless you want to browse the repository)

    2. correct

    previously uploaded images will still need to be optimized, which is what I’ll be working on today.

    Also, there will be a small performance hit when the image is first rendered, but it wasn’t noticeable in my testing (unless you’re using PNGs in your sliders), and it only happens once for each image. Once an image has been rendered the first time, meta-slider stores it on disk for future page loads, and it is never re-rendered (as far as I can tell).

    Additionally, it sounds like the meta-slider folks are looking at generating the images on the back-end in the future, which would mean absolutely NO performance hit on the front-end.

    Awesome; thanks so much for your help with this. Please keep me updated on future developments, and I’ll be happy to help you beta test/finalize. Much appreciated…

    @nosilver4u – Here are the tangible results of your hard work on this.


    I can ‘t thank you enough for the 100% progressive jpegs score!

    @nosilver4u – Ok; quick follow up question. Is the plugin also compressing the meta slider resized images? I don’t see where that is the case and of course the resized images don’t show up in my Admin Media Library. Please let me know.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Yup, the resizes are the specific ones we are targeting with the new extensions to the WP_Image_Editor classes. You should be able to look under ‘Optimize More’ in the Tools menu and click the Show Table button to see a list of what has been optimized so far.

    If the images are compressed and optimized, then shouldn’t the compressed images section of the test also be 100%? Are the test results reflecting the true extent of the plugin to compress the images or are the images not being properly compressed?

    Perhaps I am missing something here?

    Here are the results that I am seeing based on the current four images:

    Compress Images: 98/100
    1,149.4 KB total in images, target size = 1,128.9 KB – potential savings = 20.5 KB

    FAILED – (20.2 KB, compressed = 12.8 KB – savings of 7.4 KB) – https://www.worldnewsreader.com/wp-content/uploads/image-1381764609-1861765140-300×138.jpg
    WARNING – (19.6 KB, compressed = 14.2 KB – savings of 5.4 KB) – https://www.worldnewsreader.com/wp-content/uploads/image-1381761017-1360418446-300×138.jpg
    WARNING – (14.2 KB, compressed = 10.1 KB – savings of 4.1 KB) – https://www.worldnewsreader.com/wp-content/uploads/image-1381757410-335297968-300×138.jpg
    WARNING – (12.3 KB, compressed = 8.7 KB – savings of 3.6 KB) – https://www.worldnewsreader.com/wp-content/uploads/image-1381765640-1162725296-300×138.jpg

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Are those brand-new images, or previously generated ones? The plugin isn’t yet capable of optimizing the already generated ones, that’s the part I’m still working on.

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