Thank you for your recommendations.
On a Genesis theme it should be loading the buttons on genesis_entry_header
and genesis_entry_footer
(see here), but in version 1.1.0 there’s a bug where it’s not recognizing the Genesis theme properly and using the fallback the_content
This was resolved in 1.1.1 and should be released on very soon. You can download it right now using this link.
We also have a filter in place for you to customize exactly where the “before” and “after” theme locations go. So if it works better using a different hook, you can change it directly in your theme.
Add this code to your theme’s functions.php to change the Genesis hooks to genesis_before_entry_content
and genesis_after_entry
You can also use that filter to change what style of button is used for each location, in case you wanted one style at the top and another at the bottom.
The JavaScript file does two things:
1. Controls the email modal window when you’re using the “email” share button.
2. When you click a share button, it opens a popup that’s sized to fit that services share page (example)
It actually doesn’t have anything to do with whether counts are enabled.
I don’t recommend disabling the JS, but if you know you don’t need it – you’ve copied the relevant JS to your theme’s JS file and will monitor all future releases for JS changes – then you can disable it by adding this to your theme’s functions.php file:
add_filter( 'shared_counts_load_js', '__return_false' );