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  • Plugin Author Steve Williams


    I can certainly look at ways to do that. Where do you think is a good place to show it? Perhaps for the current track in the “Recently Played” widget? Maybe have it show up at the top of the page with the message delivered when a request is made as well.

    Thread Starter nexustx13


    I like the way the album art looks here
    but then again I am biased ??

    I’ll continue the feature request thread here:)

    Excellent plugin by the way!

      :: +1 Album art. Here’s another example
      :: Nowplaying widget, with artwork & auto update via Ajax. The existing PHP web pages calculate update time by the database (start time + track duration)
      :: Song info popup
    Plugin Author Steve Williams


    Okay. I think I can come up with a way to implement the song info and album art. Have an “Info” button or icon next to each song. Someone clicks it, they get a page with the song details. The details page would display all the song information present in the SAM Database, with some of them able to be disabled in the configuration. Information displayed would be artist, song, album, and year of release. Optional information which could be disabled in the back end would be album art, genre, last time played, last time requested, number of requests, lyrics, record label.

    Any other info that may be useful that I am not thinking of?

    Nice work! Perhaps maybe the comments tag.

    While you’re at it check boxes for all of the above would be useful for people not wanting different info.

    As an example, most music on my station is pre-record 2hr mixes. SAM has a bug that means it cant display track length after about two hours. So lot’s of my track lengths are 0.00.

    I don’t know how hard that would be to implement though.

    This is a great plugin. Happy to help out with testing etc.

    Plugin Author Steve Williams


    Hmmm… Out of curiosity, do the track lengths display on the Request List page of the plugin if the track is over 2 hours? I’m curious whether the SAM bug is related to how it calculates and stores the duration or how it displays it. In any event, I just modified and tested my local development version of the plug-in, so the next update will display times as HH:MM:SS if the duration is an hour or more.

    As for the difficulty of implementing a checkbox for track duration, that wouldn’t be difficult at all. Adding it to my To-Do list for the next update.

    Long files show as 0.00 in your app. I have so many I would just hide track length if I had the option. Here is some more info on the bug.

    It’s cosmetic as SAM handles the file correctly and the proper duration is displayed when it’s playing. The SAM PHP web pages don’t seem to have an issue handling it.

    Note this is in 4.9.x (which many people still use). I have no idea if it was fixed in later versions.

    Plugin Author Steve Williams


    Hmmm…. Looking at the description of the problem, if I am understanding your posts in the thread correctly, if you manually update the duration saved in the database, it will display correctly in SAM. If that is the case, I may be able to offer a workaround for the problem using a PAL script.

    It should be a matter of looking at the time a track starts playing, then looking at the time the next track starts playing. Calculate the difference, which would be the correct duration, and save that to the database.

    This would, of course, not correct the duration until after the first time the track plays completely. The biggest flaw would be that it would also incorrectly update the duration tracks which you manually fade to the next song early.

    If you’re interested, I can throw something together for you to try.

    I don’t mind the 0.00 I have gotten used to it. If I can hide it on the web that’s fine for me. It shouldn’t affect your plugin because the players should be able to trigger the song change. Also I set manual fade, start, stop settings a lot because my DJs don’t always make their intro/outro graceful.

    Also, if I was to make a script to run on the database it would probably be further automated. Maybe by python, to look at the duration and if it’s over a certain amount calculate and set the correct value. I had planned this, but the issue is only cosmetic. So it’s not high on the list of priorities.

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