feature: prefill forms through url
I would like to suggest a feature: prefill forms through url.
for example https://contactform7.com/contact/#[email protected]&name=Jon should give me a prefilled form with “Your Email”: “[email protected]”, “Name”: “Jon”, etc
I think this can be done clientside, non-JS-user still can fill in the whole form.
This would allow admins to send out customized links and to unburden users from filling in all the form. (e.g. newsletter, request for products, feedback for customer support etc)
This feature was discusses on [stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14070105/pre-fill-form-field-via-url-in-html) and a working (but serverside) [example](https://tumblr.followd.co.nz/login.php?email=masterofcoins)
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