• How To Make The List of Posts just showing Featured Image of a post ?
    actually i need it to be size 800px width and 533px height
    thanks before

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  • Theme Author Caroline Moore


    You can set the Post Format to Image, and any featured image for the post will be shown on its own, with the post title underneath.

    To change the featured image sizes is a bit more complex, and will require creating a child theme, then adding a blank functions.php file to your child theme (ensure you’ve entered just <?php at the beginning of the file, you can look at other files within Vintage Camera to see how this is done).

    Within the child theme’s functions.php file, you’d want to use the function set_post_thumbnail_size() to override Vintage Camera’s default Featured Image size:

    function my_image_size() {
       set_post_thumbnail_size( '500', '500', true ); //Setting these values to whatever size/crop you want
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_image_size' );
    Thread Starter JokoSanudin


    it not work on my page ??
    im already run on my child theme
    with style.css and function.php at the folder


    function my_image_size() {
       set_post_thumbnail_size( '800', '533', true ); //Setting these values to whatever size/crop you want
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_image_size' );


    Theme Name: Vintage Camera Child
    Theme URI: https://carolinethemes.com/2012/02/05/new-theme-vintage-camera/
    Description: Child Theme
    Version: 1.0.1
    Author: Joko Sanudin
    Template: vintage-camera
    Author URI: https://www.facebook.com/joksanishere
    @import url("../vintage-camera/style.css");

    my page now

    hope it be

    so your help needed
    thanks before

    Thread Starter JokoSanudin


    sorry forget
    i want to ask how to make a tittle, Author and Category appear ?

    Thread Starter JokoSanudin


    sorry wrong link
    for hope it be
    the correct link :
    hope it be

    Theme Author Caroline Moore


    The images won’t be resized automatically — you may need to use a plugin like Regenerate Thumbnails to size them after applying the above code.

    And you can use a browser addon like Firebug to right-click or Ctrl+click and Inspect your site to see what classes you want to target (author, category, or title) and set them to display: none; in your child theme’s style.css.

    Thread Starter JokoSanudin


    okay, so how to create author, category
    and change the menu font ?

    Theme Author Caroline Moore


    Oh, sorry, I misread your initial question.

    The Image post format only displays the image and post title by design. You can change this by copying content-image.php to your child theme and adding the categories and author information where you want it to display in the template. You can find the code(s) to do this in the other content-*.php template files.

    You can change the menu font in your child theme’s style.css, by using Firebug to Inspect it and find the selectors to apply a new font-family (or size, color, etc.). I don’t offer CSS customization support, but there are multiple resources to get you started here.

    Thread Starter JokoSanudin


    okay thanks…
    on try
    learning firebug…
    keep with me ??

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