• Hi,

    I have checked out ca. all 10-15 admin bar show/hide/customization WordPress plugins that there are. Your Auto Hide Admin Bar and Better Admin Bar came closest to my needs. But so far none met my requirements enough.

    Is it maybe possible to extend the possible type of triggers for showing/hiding the admin bar and to select which of those triggers shall be active?

    ? Every logged-in role should have access to the admin bar but not see it all time necessarily.
    ? For certain roles like the admin it’s ok to see the admin bar at all times.
    ? But other roles like lectors who need to go over drafts or entire websites locked for anonymous visitors behind a login wall like My Private Site or other similar staging/production workflows/plugins: They only shall browse through the website and it’s pages, here and there make an edit or remark. But during that activity they should have a UX as closely as normal anonymous users have it and only toggle the massively intrusive admin bar on demand.

    REQUIREMENTS vs. features of your & other available plugins

    1) Role based in/exclusion for the desired behavior.
    – Many plugins offer this.
    – Yours included. Works well.

    2) Toggle admin bar via button or designated menu item.
    a) Either a fixed position toggle button (like Floating Admin Button)
    b) Or better a simple “custom link” menu item (as you create them at Appearance > Menus) whose target is a certain to be defined anchor link like #toggleAdminBarVisibility or a javascript:toggleAdminBar() call.

    As a generic custom link menu item it would:
    b1) be touch-device compatible,
    b2) have utmost theme compatibility,
    b3) give you total freedom into which menu position or sidebar or footer widget you place it and how it’s styled, simply whatever the theme foresees (icon and/or text).

    Note: Function 2 would of course work hand in hand with the role-dependency from #1 thus showing/hiding the button or designated menu entry.

    Admin Bar Toggle is only tested until WordPress 4.2.30 and not available for installation in my WordPress 5.8.
    Floating Admin Button is exactly 2b. But it does not toggle the admin bar on/off but instead simply leads you to a certain link, by default the Dashboard. Not my goal, because I want the page-specific options, such as “Edit Page”.

    3) Hover zone and hover time treshhold
    If triggered by a hover, I’d prefer the flexibility:

    a) to define the hover-zone in detail, ideally vw and vh and reference point (left/mid/right and top/center/bottom).
    Better Admin Bar allows you this minimally (y-axis in pixels)

    b) a user-defineable treshhold in which the mouse must remain still within the hover-zone to toggle the admin bar on.
    – Your plugin has the hover-zone and the hover-time-treshhold hardcoded which both heavily interfere with my normal menu.

    4) Activate the trigger(s) of your choice.
    Hover, Keyboard-Shortcut, Floating button, Menu item.

    ? I’d like to hear if you can consider any of these suggestions.
    ? As a minimal change #4 with activating Keyboard-Shortcut already does it for me. I would simply tell me lectors to use that shortcut, and that’s it. And show it for admin always.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by abitofmind.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by abitofmind.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by abitofmind.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by abitofmind.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by abitofmind.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by abitofmind.
  • The topic ‘Feat Req: Further possibilities and rulesets for toggling admin bar visibility’ is closed to new replies.