• We are trying to use the FCKeditor plugin but autosave doesn’t seem to be working. I posted a message in their support forum but while I am waiting for a reply there, I thought I’d also bring it up here to see if perhaps someone may have found a workaround for the problem. Autosave is working great when using WordPress’ native editor, but when using FCKeditor I had accidentally hit the back button on Firefox 3, beta 5 and when I realized my mistake, I hit the forward button to go back into the editor, but my entire article was gone. I went to get the autosaved draft copy, only to discover there was none to be found! It appears that unlike the native WordPress editor, FCKeditor doesn’t autosave?!

    With the WordPress’ native editor, it appears to save a draft if I move to another tab in Firefox, or about every couple of minutes if I just leave that tab open. If anyone know how to make this happen while in FCKeditor, please post how you did it.

    Also, is there a way to increase the frequency of autosaves? We wouldn’t mind having an autosave once per minute!

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