• Fault with the required fields.

    I group 1 and group 2. If you choose to group 1, group 2 is hidden and choose group 2, then group 1 is hidden.

    However, the hidden group has required fields.
    When you click to send the hidden form fields are displayed on the screen.
    the message that the filling of hidden fields should be mandatory is still displayed.
    And the form is not sent.

    If the fields are hidden, it makes sense to be validated in the compulsory fulfillment process. hidden fields should not be displayed when your form to display the required message. (Major fault)

    Kindly correct the faster this failure can, or withdraw this community plugin not to harm other webmaster.

    If I were a developer, I would help him to correct. But I do not and I count on your responsibility and commitment to have available the plugin here.

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  • I have the very same problem. If an hidden group has required fields, you get an error submitting the form.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by edDraw.

    Yes, how to bypass mandatory fields from hidden groups ?

    Thank you

    Plugin Author Jules Colle


    @marceloluizdasilva, @eddraw, @lekiend should be fixed in version 0.2

    Thanks Jules, the required fields dont’t block the submit anymore.

    But now, when you submit the form, the page reload with the hidden group visible (and the rest, invisible). Is this a separate issue?

    I updated to version 0.2.2 but still have the same problem with the validation of the required fields inside the hidden group.

    The form is using CF7 multi-step -plugin.

    [group delivery]
    <div class=”flex_column flex_column_div av_one_half first”>
    Nimi / Yritys (pakollinen)<br />
    [text* delivery-company]
    <div class=”flex_column flex_column_div av_one_half”>
    Katuosoite (pakollinen)<br />
    [text* delivery-street]
    <div class=”flex_column flex_column_div av_one_half first”>
    Postinumero (pakollinen)<br />
    [text* delivery-postalcode]
    <div class=”flex_column flex_column_div av_one_half”>
    Postitoimipaikka (pakollinen)<br />
    [text* delivery-city]

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