Fatal PHP error raised by custom_upload_mimes function since WP 5.9
I noticed that since I update my WP to 5.9.X, Extendify triggers a PHP fatal error (the site is no longer browsable).
This error is displayed :2022/03/24 10:53:47 [error] 23588#23588: *2031 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Redux_Extension_Import_Export::custom_upload_mimes() must be of the type array, null given, called in […]/public/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 309 and defined in […]/public/wp-content/plugins/redux-framework/redux-core/inc/extensions/import_export/class-redux-extension-import-export.php:72
I noticed that this function (in class-redux-extension-import-export.php)
public function custom_upload_mimes( array $existing_mimes = array() ): array {…}
wasn’t made to receive the “NULL” value as $existing_mimes. This is a problem since wordpress can apparently give the NULL value for this (and that’s what happens on my site).
I changed the function to :
public function custom_upload_mimes( $existing_mimes = array() ): array {
if (is_null($existing_mimes)) {
$existing_mimes = array ();
$existing_mimes[‘redux’] = ‘application/redux’;return $existing_mimes;
}(the parameter’s type restriction “array” has been retrieved and I handle the case when $existing_mimes is null)
and my site does not show any error and works just fine.I wish you could add this to future versions of Extendify since without this fix my site is broken.
If there is another way to fix this, I also would like to know it.Thank you very much
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