• Viewing log file?fatal-errors-2025-02-24
    Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to WC_Gateway_EWAY::add_new_customer_token() must be an instance of stdClass, null given, called in /***/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-gateway-eway/includes/class-wc-gateway-eway.php on line 1451 and defined in /***/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-gateway-eway/includes/class-wc-gateway-eway.php:1498

    JS error in console while adding card. Missing CVC field as well, cannot add card.

    Uncaught Error: V6147
    at n.secureFieldCallback as callbackFunc (eway-secure-fields.js?ver=c478ae3db56065b75468:1:1200)
    at n.handleEvent (eWAY.js:646:21)
    at r (eWAY.js:714:26)

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