We don’t have a copy of the latest Avada builder version, but this plugin is causing the error.
The problem comes from the file wp-content/plugins/fusion-builder/shortcodes/components/woo-cart.php
→ line 457 when it tries to call the PayPal Payments button_renderer
do_action( 'awb_after_woo_add_to_cart_content' );
and a little above is the add_action
// Change action for the WooCommerce Paypal Payments plugin.
if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Assets\SmartButton' ) ) {
add_action( 'awb_after_woo_add_to_cart_content', [ 'WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Assets\SmartButton', 'button_renderer' ] );
I assume they try to bring up the buttons, but our developers haven’t looked deeper into how it should be done instead. In any case, it is a problem caused by the fusion builder itself. The plugin is overriding the product page template, and then tries to call our buttons by itself, and it’s doing so incorrectly which leads to an error.
So considering this is a premium theme/plugin, I suggest reaching out to their support for their developers can take a deeper look. There likely won’t be any fixes from PayPal Payments perspective in this regard since it all works as it should, without the Builder plugin.
Kind regards,