• Fatal error: Declaration of Mooberry_Book_Manager_Book_Grid_CPT::set_data_object() must be compatible with that of Mooberry_Book_Manager_CPT::set_data_object() in (redacting site name info for privacy…) /wp/wp-content/plugins/mooberry-book-manager/includes/class-mbm-book-grid-cpt.php on line 0

    That’s the message that is returned to me when I attempt to activate the Mooberry plug in. How do I fix this?

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  • Thread Starter katiedelongauthor


    Still broken, only now my whole SITE is inaccessible. Turns up parse errors every time I try to go to a webpage, even to edit or delete content. Can’t edit or delete any plugins, and will have to reset my whole wordpress installation.

    At this point, I find it very unlikely I’ll end up attempting to redownload Mooberry. It had good recommendations, but after several hours doing damage control on a weekend, I gotta say, it’s just not worth the risk. Better to have a slightly uglier website that isn’t gonna go belly-up. Completely eroded the trust I had in Mooberry, based on others’ positive recommendations.

    Plugin Author mooberrydreams


    I’m sorry about the problems you are experiencing. I completely understand your frustration.

    The easiest way to deactivate a plugin that is causing problems is to FTP into your site, navigate to the /wp-content/plugins/ and rename the folder of the plugin. This will automatically deactivate the plugin and any errors caused by that plugin should go away. ( for an example and screenshots see https://www.inboundnow.com/what-to-do-if-a-wordpress-plugin-breaks-your-site/ )

    I just installed Mooberry Book Manager on a site that had never had the plugin installed before (so, a fresh install) and did not have any errors. This makes me wonder if your download/install of the plugin somehow got corrupted or if there is some other kind of conflict with your theme or other plugin.

    I would be happy to help troubleshoot this for you if you would like, but if you are not wanting to use Mooberry Book Manger any more I understand. You can feel free to email me at [email protected] if you would like to troubleshoot further.

    Again, I apologize for problems you have experienced.

    Thread Starter katiedelongauthor


    Your solution for disabling it worked beautifully- I went through and removed basically every plugin, just to be safe. Thank you- the solutions I was toying with to try to dig it out were a lot more time-consuming and frustrating. I did not expect it to be fixed so easily.

    I gave it one last reinstall, but once again, activating it caused a fatal error. So just deleting/redownloading doesn’t seem to do much. Just to be on the safe side, I disabled it completely in the FTP again. My theme is twenty-fourteen, and is fully updated. I guess let this stand as a warning to others wiht that them that something wonky is happening.

    Plugin Author mooberrydreams


    Glad I was able to help you restore. There should be no problems with theme twenty-fourteen.

    Without further troubleshooting, I cannot be sure why you received that error and I can’t reproduce it.

    Again, I’m really sorry the plugin caused you issues.

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