Thanks for letting me know. I don’t think Segment.io is likely to be the cause.
The point is that nothing ‘Google Analytics’ related really needs to happen at plugin activation. The first time anything ‘GA’ related happens is actually within the Javascript of your post-checkout page.
So there must be something causing an error at a pretty basic level. The plugin doesn’t really do much, certainly at activation! Is it possible that there is something in the code conflicting with your PHP version or settings? E.g. if you have an older version of PHP, or there is a setting in your php.ini causing it to interpret the file wrongly.
Sorry not to have a definitive answer here, but it would take some debugging on your system to resolve. Could be worth deleting and trying again, perhaps after some other plugins have been disabled first (maybe try disabling the Segment.io after all!).
Whether the plugin ultimately would work with Segment.io, I’m not sure. Should be fine if it uses Universal analytics and creates a Javascript object called ‘ga’ early on in the page.