• Hello Ustimenko Alexander,

    When I try activating the plugin, it shows “Fatal error: Uncaught Migrate.php(259) : WpTesting_Migration_AddExampleTest – Error executing ‘query’ with: INSERT INTO wp_term_taxonomy (term_id, taxonomy, description, parent, count) VALUES (84, ‘wpt_answer’, ”, 0, 1), (85, ‘wpt_answer’, ”, 0, 1), (86, ‘wpt_scale’, ‘Extraversion is characterized by being outgoing, talkative, high on positive affect (feeling good), and in need of external stimulation. According to Eysenck\’s arousal theory of extraversion, there is an optimal level of cortical arousal, and performance deteriorates as one becomes more or less aroused than this optimal level. Arousal can be measured by skin conductance, brain waves or sweating. At very low and very high levels of arousal, performance is low, but at a better mid-level of arousal, performance is maximized. Extraverts, according to Eysenck\’s theory, are chronically under-aroused and bored and are therefore in need of external stimulation to bring them up to an optimal level in /data/home/hyu2757420001/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-testing/vendor/ruckusing/ruckusing-migrations/lib/Task/Db/Migrate.php on line 259″

    It seemed a very similar problem as the link below,

    However, I did not find the table of bwycj_t_schema_migrations in my database and do not know what to do. Could you give me some help? Thanks

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  • Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    You should search for table named *_t_schema_migrations, where * is your’s wp prefix.

    Thread Starter greatzhao


    Thanks for your quick feedback Ustimenko. I try adding new record but it says “The table does not have a primary key, so it cannot be edited!” What to do then?

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    @greatzhao I dont’ know why do you want to add new record and what tells you “cannot be edited”

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