Unless I am mistaken, it looks to me like version WPTouch 4.3 is using PHP namespacing.
Here is the code that is failing (specifically line 104 of wptouch/core/class-cache-smash.php):
if ( $w3tc_095_or_greater ) {
$w3_config = new \W3TC\Config( true );
else {
$w3_config = new W3_Config( true );
PHP Namespacing is only supported in PHP 5.3.x and above. If your hosting service is running PHP 5.2.x for your site, line 104 will cause the fatal error.
You might try editing the file to check the PHP version:
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3.0', '>') && $w3tc_095_or_greater ) {
$w3_config = new \W3TC\Config( true );
else {
$w3_config = new W3_Config( true );
This seems to have worked for me, though I am in the process of updating my hosting to use a newer version of PHP, which will also fix this.