• I’m trying to use the auto upgrade to 3.2.1, and get the following error as soon as the upgrade process starts:
    Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 30408704) (tried to allocate 3981531 bytes) in /homepages/23….

    I’ve searched for similar issues and have seen the references to php.ini. I’m hosted in a “Professional Linux” plan with 1and1, and I understand you can put a php.ini file in the various folders, although it only impacts the folder it is installed in and no subfolders. I created one, and put it in the main site folder and the plugins folder. I also added the suggested line to the config file as per these instructions:

    define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__).’/’);


    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);


    memory_limit = 128M; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (64MB)
    max_execution_time = 45;
    upload_max_filesize = 10M;
    post_max_size = 20M; “

    I tried again and got the same error and so I have backed these changes out. I am running some plugins – the main one being the WP eStore plugin from HQ Tricks.

    Should I disable the plugins before trying auto upgrade?
    Could I do a manual upgrade rather than auto?
    Is it possible the SQL database needs splitting (that is what 1and1 said even though it is only 3M or so.)
    Anything else I am missing about running this with 1and1 – I just noticed that my Global PHP version was “4” which I have just changed to “5” but I’m not 100% sure what that actually does.

    The site is operational, so I don’t want to break it.


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  • I haven’t tried deactivating all my plugins yet (just about to do a full backup first) but I, too, am on 1&1 and I haven’t the first idea what they’re talking about when they tell me about a 30M limit, yet the 3.2.1 file is about 3.79Mb in size. I try and email them but they may as well be replying in Japanese when the reply comes in.

    I have a 1&1 Professional package for which I’m paying £19.99/month plus VAT and they’ve replied with the following and pointed to a list of alternative packages, but while some of them that allow more php memory are cheaper, they don’t seem to have all the features of the package I’m now, so I’d lose out there. And the alternative would be a server package at a completely ridiculous £50/month plus VAT.

    “The error which you have encountered is basically cause by the outage of the php memory limit that is supported on your package. If you wish to increase the php memory limit so that you will not encounter an issue upgrade your wordpress site I suggest you to upgrade your package to dual advance which gives you 60 MB php memory or dual unlimited which gives you 80MB memory limit.”

    I just want to update WordPress and this is breaking my brain.

    Had the same problem… deactivating all of the plugins and then doing the upgrade worked!

    Thanks everyone!

    I just registered here just to pitch in my cent’s worth. I spent a good number of hours following link after link of tips and solutions for the memory allocation error when I tried to upgrade from WordPress 3.1 to WordPress 3.2.1.

    None of the solutions that I found ever worked.

    I tried increasing the memory limit using the various methods suggested (php.ini, .htaccess, wp-config.php). None worked.

    I tried deactivating all my plugins in one batch. That didn’t work.

    I tried deactivating my plugins one by one. That didn’t work either.

    I was just half an inch close to manually upgrading. But, then, I realized that maybe the theme (Suffusion) I’m using could be causing the bottleneck. So, I switched back to the Twenty Ten theme, clicked the upgrade button, and voila! Upgrade succeeds. After that, I switched back to my previous theme.

    I have not yet checked whether the theme switch and/or the successful upgrade broke anything. If ever, I’ll head back here.

    I’m not sure if this issue is specific to Suffusion, but just in case you tried the other solutions and none works, try the second-to-the-last resort that I used (i.e., reverting to a stock WordPress theme). The last resort, of course, is manual upgrade.

    And, oh–I also noticed that a lot of folks experiencing this issue are customers of 1and1. I’m on 1and1, too. If that means anything, this memory allocation error could not be 1and1-specific either.

    I hope this helps.

    I’m not sure if this issue is specific to Suffusion

    No it wasn’t. Running out of memory is the combination of many factors – including the theme & plugins that you are using.

    I know this is a bit off topic, but what host in this day and age has a 30MB memory limit for PHP?

    I only pay $2.95 a month (I pay triennially hence the hefty discount) for my hosting and they impose a 256MB memory limit for PHP.

    I’m with 1&1, in the same situation as many of you. I’ve fixed many memory issues with my own php.ini file with a memory limit directive:


    One at the wp root directory and one at the wp-admin directory. It works in many cases.

    Hope it helps.

    @booblla: what hosting company?

    I know it’s been awhile since anything in this thread, but I wanted to clarify some of the confusion which seemed to arise earlier in the post: the file size of the WordPress upgrade has NOTHING to do with the “30M limit” imposed by 1and1.

    The 30M limit is how much memory PHP is allowed to use for running scripts at any given time. Think of PHP scripts being called by your wp-admin, by anyone browsing your site, by plugins that you use and even any calls to WP Stats (if you’re using it).

    I am running three different websites on the basic 1and1 account — one included domain and I pay separately for the other two domains. I’m sure that’s not helping much either.

    I also ran into a problem with the WP 3.1 upgrade with the biggest of my three sites (the smaller 2 upgraded fine), and wound up doing it manually via FTP since the auto wouldn’t work. Since then, every version after has auto-upgraded without a problem.

    But still, on my biggest site, the admin dashboard will usually only load partially — some of the blocks just say “loading…” and I got the “fatal error: out of memory…” error on the last block on the left column. The right column doesn’t even load. And I can’t get any “extended” stats (30+ days) to load either.

    I’m about ready to move to another hosting service that offers more than 30M of PHP memory… WordPress and all the bells and whistles I use are definitely “outgrowing” my current 1and1 account.

    I know better service will cost more, but I don’t want to see my bill take a significant leap higher — any recommendations on hosting providers?

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