• Resolved arma0858


    I don’t speak English very well so I use a translator
    When installing and activating the plugin I get this error
    Error thrown
    Class ‘AmazonAutoLinks_AdminPageFramework_Message’ not found
    It doesn’t matter if I do it from wp-admin or I try to enter directly on my website
    I have WordPress 5.5 and PHP 7.4

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author miunosoft


    Then you need to talk to your web hosting service.

    Which web hosting service are you using by the way?

    Thread Starter arma0858


    de acuerdo, el hosting que utilizo es el de sered.net
    Me comunicare con ellos, si me dan una solución o no lo notificaré, muchas gracias por tu apoyo ??

    ok, the hosting I use is sered.net
    I will contact them, if they give me a solution or not I will notify, thank you very much for your support ??

    Plugin Author miunosoft


    Okay. Looking forward to hear what they say.

    Thread Starter arma0858


    No recibí respuesta de sered.net, así que solo A?adí el archivo a la white list de cPGuard, parece que todo va perfecto. Muchas gracias por todo amigo!! ??
    I got no response from sered.net so I just added the file to cPGuard white list, everything seems to be perfect. Thank you very much for all my friend !! ??

    Plugin Author miunosoft


    All right. Let me know if you find something new.

    I had the same problem and contacting my webserver, they said that the file was being deleted because itis suspect as a malware.

    Here is the log malware and virus scan of my webserver:

    Nome do arquivo: AdminPageFramework_Message.php
    Caminho original: /home/profpanda/public_html/wp-content/plugins/amazon-auto-links/include/library/apf/factory/_common/_abstract/_model/AdminPageFramework_Message.php
    Raz?o: Suspicious File
    Defini??o: Injection
    Tempo: 2020-09-01 13:30:02
    Caminho da quarentena: /etc/cpguard/quarantine/639492980-AdminPageFramework_Message.php
    Tamanho do arquivo: 11910 bytes

    This happens after the last update of the plugin, and all the versions before the newest do the same problem.

    How can you help fix it?

    I try to modify the file AdminPageFramework_Message.php to find what the cGuard are thinking that is and malware injection, and after delete and get back many times, the problems seems to be in line 9, in the array of $aDefaults. Since I clean th entire array and led nothing there, the plugin start to work again.

    public $aDefaults = array(‘option_updated’ => ‘The options have been updated.’, ‘option_cleared’ => ‘The options have been cleared.’, ‘export’ => ‘Export’, ‘export_options’ => ‘Export Options’, ‘import’ => ‘Import’, ‘import_options’ => ‘Import Options’, ‘submit’ => ‘Submit’, ‘import_error’ => ‘An error occurred while uploading the import file.’, ‘uploaded_file_type_not_supported’ => ‘The uploaded file type is not supported: %1$s’, ‘could_not_load_importing_data’ => ‘Could not load the importing data.’, ‘imported_data’ => ‘The uploaded file has been imported.’, ‘not_imported_data’ => ‘No data could be imported.’, ‘upload_image’ => ‘Upload Image’, ‘use_this_image’ => ‘Use This Image’, ‘insert_from_url’ => ‘Insert from URL’, ‘reset_options’ => ‘Are you sure you want to reset the options?’, ‘confirm_perform_task’ => ‘Please confirm your action.’, ‘specified_option_been_deleted’ => ‘The specified options have been deleted.’, ‘nonce_verification_failed’ => ‘A problem occurred while processing the form data. Please try again.’, ‘check_max_input_vars’ => ‘Not all form fields could not be sent. Please check your server settings of PHP max_input_vars and consult the server administrator to increase the value. max input vars: %1$s. $_POST count: %2$s’, ‘send_email’ => ‘Is it okay to send the email?’, ’email_sent’ => ‘The email has been sent.’, ’email_scheduled’ => ‘The email has been scheduled.’, ’email_could_not_send’ => ‘There was a problem sending the email’, ‘title’ => ‘Title’, ‘author’ => ‘Author’, ‘categories’ => ‘Categories’, ‘tags’ => ‘Tags’, ‘comments’ => ‘Comments’, ‘date’ => ‘Date’, ‘show_all’ => ‘Show All’, ‘show_all_authors’ => ‘Show all Authors’, ‘powered_by’ => ‘Thank you for creating with’, ‘and’ => ‘and’, ‘settings’ => ‘Settings’, ‘manage’ => ‘Manage’, ‘select_image’ => ‘Select Image’, ‘upload_file’ => ‘Upload File’, ‘use_this_file’ => ‘Use This File’, ‘select_file’ => ‘Select File’, ‘remove_value’ => ‘Remove Value’, ‘select_all’ => ‘Select All’, ‘select_none’ => ‘Select None’, ‘no_term_found’ => ‘No term found.’, ‘select’ => ‘Select’, ‘insert’ => ‘Insert’, ‘use_this’ => ‘Use This’, ‘return_to_library’ => ‘Return to Library’, ‘queries_in_seconds’ => ‘%1$s queries in %2$s seconds.’, ‘out_of_x_memory_used’ => ‘%1$s out of %2$s MB (%3$s) memory used.’, ‘peak_memory_usage’ => ‘Peak memory usage %1$s MB.’, ‘initial_memory_usage’ => ‘Initial memory usage %1$s MB.’, ‘repeatable_section_is_disabled’ => ‘The ability to repeat sections is disabled.’, ‘repeatable_field_is_disabled’ => ‘The ability to repeat fields is disabled.’, ‘warning_caption’ => ‘Warning’, ‘allowed_maximum_number_of_fields’ => ‘The allowed maximum number of fields is {0}.’, ‘allowed_minimum_number_of_fields’ => ‘The allowed minimum number of fields is {0}.’, ‘add’ => ‘Add’, ‘remove’ => ‘Remove’, ‘allowed_maximum_number_of_sections’ => ‘The allowed maximum number of sections is {0}’, ‘allowed_minimum_number_of_sections’ => ‘The allowed minimum number of sections is {0}’, ‘add_section’ => ‘Add Section’, ‘remove_section’ => ‘Remove Section’, ‘toggle_all’ => ‘Toggle All’, ‘toggle_all_collapsible_sections’ => ‘Toggle all collapsible sections’, ‘reset’ => ‘Reset’, ‘yes’ => ‘Yes’, ‘no’ => ‘No’, ‘on’ => ‘On’, ‘off’ => ‘Off’, ‘enabled’ => ‘Enabled’, ‘disabled’ => ‘Disabled’, ‘supported’ => ‘Supported’, ‘not_supported’ => ‘Not Supported’, ‘functional’ => ‘Functional’, ‘not_functional’ => ‘Not Functional’, ‘too_long’ => ‘Too Long’, ‘acceptable’ => ‘Acceptable’, ‘no_log_found’ => ‘No log found.’, ‘method_called_too_early’ => ‘The method is called too early.’, ‘debug_info’ => ‘Debug Info’, ‘debug’ => ‘Debug’, ‘field_arguments’ => ‘Field Arguments’, ‘debug_info_will_be_disabled’ => ‘This information will be disabled when WP_DEBUG is set to false in wp-config.php.’, ‘section_arguments’ => ‘Section Arguments’, ‘click_to_expand’ => ‘Click here to expand to view the contents.’, ‘click_to_collapse’ => ‘Click here to collapse the contents.’, ‘loading’ => ‘Loading…’, ‘please_enable_javascript’ => ‘Please enable JavaScript for better user experience.’,);

    so, the problem is inside this array.

    Plugin Author miunosoft


    It is definitely a false positive. The class just returns form messages. And the file is of a library so it is hard to change. Also, this file has not been changed in recent updates except the header comment.

    This address seems to be the contact form for CPGuard: https://manage.opsshield.com/index.php/client/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/add/2/.

    Would be appreciated if you could tell them it is a false positive.

    I send a mail to CPGuard in the link you sent me. I expect other do the same so the Foundation seems that is really a false positive.

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