Hey, thanks for your answer,
Does that mean that ‘wordpress’ is the DB_NAME, ‘example username’ is DB_USER and ‘example password’ is DB_PASSWORD?
NO, that is used if there is no env variable.
I expect to use the value inside those variables, for that I redeclare the function that takes care of that.
Further research and beta implementations:
The issue is that NF [ninjafirewall] needs to initialize a DB connection before WordPress is initiated.
That was done with some regex that looks for those string connections in wp-config but now it’s broken due the wordpress docker image consume a enviroment variable instead of hardcoded strings.
I made a quick patch but I would like to have something more “reliable”.
I apply this as a composer patch with cwegans and this allows me to upgrade core.
diff --git a/lib/firewall.php b/lib/firewall.php
index 8ed362b33..30e7e2568 100644
--- a/lib/firewall.php
+++ b/lib/firewall.php
@@ -387,7 +387,32 @@ function nfw_connect() {
} elseif ( preg_match('/^\s*\$table_prefix\s*=\s*[\'"](.+?)[\'"]/', $nfw_['line'], $nfw_['match']) ) {
$nfw_['table_prefix'] = $nfw_['match'][1];
+ if( strpos( $nfw_['line'], 'getenv_docker' )){
+ if(preg_match("/define\( '(DB_.*?)', getenv_docker\(\'(.*WORDPRESS.*)\', \'(.*)'\)/", $nfw_['line'], $nfw_['match'])){
+ if (!function_exists('getenv_docker')) {
+ // https://github.com/docker-library/wordpress/issues/588 (WP-CLI will load this file 2x)
+ function getenv_docker($env, $default) {
+ if ($fileEnv = getenv($env . '_FILE')) {
+ return rtrim(file_get_contents($fileEnv), "\r\n");
+ }
+ else if (($val = getenv($env)) !== false) {
+ return $val;
+ }
+ else {
+ return $default;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $key_string_connection = $nfw_['match'][1];
+ $env_constant = $nfw_['match'][2];
+ $env_default = $nfw_['match'][3];
+ $nfw_[$key_string_connection] = getenv_docker($env_constant, $env_default);
+ $nfw_['table_prefix'] = getenv_docker('WORDPRESS_TABLE_PREFIX', 'wp_');
+ }
+ }
if ( (! isset($nfw_['DB_NAME'])) || (! isset($nfw_['DB_USER'])) || (! isset($nfw_['DB_PASSWORD'])) || (! isset($nfw_['DB_HOST'])) || (! isset($nfw_['table_prefix'])) ) {
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by