• I’ve just edited a RT THEME’s functions.php file and changed the following:-

    add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’, array( ‘post’,’slider’,’home_page’) );

    (well at least I think it was this) to

    add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’ );

    as the guy had an issue with the ‘Featured Image’ now showing. Although this fixed this issue I now have another problem.

    When I load the homepage I get the following error:-

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function rt_nav() in /home/content/70/10814870/html/wp-content/themes/smoke/header.php on line 198

    Which points to this line:-

    <!– navigation bar –>
    <?php rt_nav($link_page,$link_cat); ?>

    The problem is that I can’t remember what the add_theme_support options were set to before.

    I can access wp-admin and noticed that Appearance –> Menu’s isn’t showing up anymore, so I believe it must have something to do with add_theme_support option.

    Can anyone help please?

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